Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in AI (11/15/24)


This week we continue our series on the top 5 VC-funded deals in AI.

After an uncharacteristically slow week to start out November, venture funding in AI thrummed with activity, with one deal exceeding the $100 million threshold.

This week’s top reported deal, per FinSMEs, came in from the enterprise generative AI space, where Writer raised $200 million at a $1.9 billion valuation to support and develop its platform, which is used by the likes of Vanguard and Intuit. The next biggest announcement was in the fintech space, where 11x brought in a $50M round to support its platform for revenue teams. The top five also included companies in the food and legal spaces.

Smaller funding raises that did not quite make our top 5 this week included announcements from the advertising, data management and wealthtech sectors.

Below, we highlight the top five venture capital deals, ranked from the highest to the lowest funding amounts, showcasing the companies at the forefront of the AI revolution…

Top 5 Venture Capital Deals from Nov. 7-Nov. 13

1. Writer

  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Description: Writer offers a generative AI platform tailored for enterprise applications, enabling organizations to generate, optimize, and manage content with AI, now valued at $1.9 billion.
  • Funding Amount: $200M
  • Funding Round: Series C

2. 11x

  • Location: San Francisco, CA
  • Description: 11x develops AI-powered digital worker solutions for revenue teams, automating tasks to drive efficiency and revenue growth in business operations.
  • Funding Amount: $50M
  • Funding Round: Series B

3. Robin AI

  • Location: London, UK
  • Description: Robin AI provides AI-driven legal solutions for businesses, streamlining document review and contract analysis to improve legal operations and compliance.
  • Funding Amount: $25M
  • Funding Round: Venture funding

4. UnifyApps

  • Location: New York City, NY
  • Description: UnifyApps offers a Unified Enterprise AI Agent platform designed to integrate and automate enterprise tasks, enhancing productivity and operational agility.
  • Funding Amount: $20M
  • Funding Round: Series A

5. Shiru

  • Location: Berkeley, CA
  • Description: Shiru leverages AI to discover sustainable, alternative ingredients for food production, aiming to innovate and reduce environmental impact in the food industry.
  • Funding Amount: $16M
  • Funding Round: Venture funding

Make sure to check out our Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in AI right here!

Written & Researched by DWN Staff
VC Deals Synopsized by ChatGPT
Research Source: FinSMEs