LESSONS IN POP CULTURE | Beverly Hills Cop 4: Axel F


By Michael Partnow

The highly anticipated Netflix release of the latest Beverly Hills Cop did not disappoint! If you are looking for an action-packed comedy – look no further!

What professional lessons can we learn from the incredibly talented Eddie Murphy (Axel Foley) and team?

  1. Family First…. Always!  Detective Axel Foley always placed his family first high above his career – even placing himself in the line of fire (literally) often.
  2. Blend old school ways with the modern -Axel’s car, Billy’s badge flash, Serge’s hilarious pronunciations.  We can learn from the past and add a dose of modernization to legacy processes, policies, technology etc. which is truly a recipe for success!
  3. Breaking the rules for what is right / the greater good- this is situational and you will know instinctively when this is OK.  Sometimes, bending the rules for the greater good is in fact the right thing to do.
  4. The Comeback is greater than the setback – Ok I said it… Beverly Hills Cop 3 was not very good.  Eddie Murphy came back, and #4 is really great.  Our careers go through highs and lows.  It is those that persevere when knocked down who truly impress.  It is like the old saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”

Michael S. Partnow is the Head of Wealth Management at JIFFY.ai.  JIFFY.ai’s intelligent automation platform enables enterprises to build business applications that run their processes end to end.  Using cognitive capabilities such as intelligent document processing, AI, RPA, ML and advanced analytics, these apps learn and adapt to changing situations impacting the business landscape, and even mimic human thinking and actions intelligently.

Contact Michael at michael.partnow@jiffy.ai