THE LEAD | The Time Has Come. Hope is Raging.


Time’s up. September is now in full swing. No more summer. No more vacations. Kids are back in school. No more three day weekends for a while.

The time has come. For what? It certainly might be a good time to consider adjusting investment portfolios. If you haven’t decided who you are going to vote for in the presidential election, that time has come, too. Of course, there are many more things to tackle now that summer is gone, but one thing at a time. The brain can only handle so much.

Ah, but the best part of early September is that hope is raging. All those great brilliant ideas that manifested over the summer are ready to hatch. Of course, everyone (?) knows that hope is not an alternative for reality. As September rolls on, the divergence of hope and reality will become obvious by the end of the month.

After sitting by the pool or hanging at the beach watching the stock market hit all time highs, the hope was that the market would sell off and give investors a buying opportunity. The shopping list of hot AI stocks, crypto and chip stocks grew. Well, investors got their “dip” but now the hope is that they won’t go any lower and really hope they go back up. Hmmmmm!

Football. Taking all summer to analyze your favorite NFL team, the time has come. September kicked off the official NFL season. After the first weekend half the teams that won are now “certain” Super bowl contenders. The half that lost are “still in it” and will certainly rebound. Ah, hope. By month end reality will set in. The Las Vegas Raiders or Carolina Panther ain’t going to the big dance (nor are many others). Hope can be so cruel.

Or, I hope my presidential candidate choice crushes the other guy/woman. I hope the other side sees what’s so obvious to me and my Facebook posse. Again, hope can be disappointing.

So hope and reality are getting ready to clash. Reality always wins. Only two teams will be in the Super Bowl. Stock markets (crypto too) do go down (hope not). Only one presidential candidate will be elected (hope so) and here we are in September. Hope all is good.