THE LEAD | Breathe. The Election is Over. What’s New?


The U.S. election came off beautifully. Pretty smooth and no problems. America shines once again. Now, after a couple weeks later, what’s new? How has life changed? Actually it seems, not so much. Football games are being played, basketball has already begun, the alarm clock goes off every morning and the dog still gets walked a couple times a day. Yawn. No big deal.

So while the nation digests the realization that a new (well, slightly used) president will be sworn in in a couple of months, a great sigh of relief seems to have settled in. A chance to breathe. Feels kind of good. What has actually happened? What’s new?

Some of the things that have popped up are really pretty tame. And surprising. A big topic is how in h*** could a campaign (not Trumps) go through over a billion dollars in donor funds in such a very short period of time? And, overspend, resulting in a deficit. AND, lose. Gotta be some chuckles come out of that………maybe some lawsuits, too. But hey, its doesn’t affect the general populous.

Have you heard about the “Trump dance?” It’s pretty funny. Kind of a robotic type movement with only a couple moves. The big thing is the NFL is considering banning it since a lot of the players are doing the “Trump dance” after a big play, or touchdown. So the big powerful football league has nothing better to do? That could be the biggest fallout from the election. No “Trump dancing” for you players. Giggle.

Another fallout from the election and the Trump win is a drastic population exodus. Or not. It seems a vast amount of people were going to leave the U.S. if the Republican candidate won. He did and at last count (mine), only two or three have actually called Bekins Van Lines. I think those two or three are already living offshore (at least part time) anyway. Another yawn.

Financial markets have not overreacted, or even reacted at all. Gold dropped big but is now reversing. Interest rates are kind of where they were a month ago. Stocks too. Yawn again.

So nothing big has really happened since the election (so far?) except its happily quiet. That’s good news. Just breathe and enjoy the upcoming holidays. So what’s new? Not much. Yet.