THE LEAD | Four Whitepapers on Artificial Intelligence in Finserv From the Big Sky AI Roundtable


In late October 2024, the team at Digital Wealth News, along with finserv industry giant Michael Partnow, hosted the Big Sky AI Roundtable here in our hometown – Bozeman, Montana.

We were deeply honored by the number of people who flew across the country to join in the conversation around AI in finserv and it was an incredible group of industry leaders.

As a follow up, we want to make sure that all our readers can easily access the thought leadership – memorialized in these whitepapers – reviewed at the roundtable by our presenting sponsors –, Greenline Consultants, Inc., Fidelity Labs and AXOS Clearing.

You can access all four whitepapers through the Google Drive embedded links included.

We think you’ll benefit greatly from taking the time to read each of these thoroughly.  Also, certainly reach out to each of these organizations should there be a synergy with your firm’s needs and their offerings.’s whitepaper “Empowering Advisors And Investors Through AI Solutions” contains the experiences and insights from’s Co-founder & CEO Babu Sivadesen and Manish Pandey, Senior Vice President of Financial Services. The whitepaper delves into what’s at stake for slow adopters of AI/ML, and how finserv companies can get started on an AI strategy.

GreenLine Consultants’ whitepaper “The AI Race Is On!” offers strategic and tactical insights from Hilda Wong-Doo, Technologist, Product Manager, & Business Strategist, and Mark Guglielmo, Business Strategist and Growth Specialist. This whitepaper is designed for financial services, wealth management firms, and fintechs-whether they are just beginning their AI journey or already scaling for growth.

Fidelity Labs’ whitepaper “Not All AI Is Created Equal & Why It Matters” focuses on how AI can change industry outcomes in numerous ways. From understanding a prospect’s attributes, potential income, and asset accumulation over time to designing a strategy to make them clients, AI can be a game-changer when harnessed as an organic growth solution. The whitepaper focuses on Fidelity Labs’ AI-powered solution, Catchlight.

AXOS Clearing’s whitepaper “Data-Drive Creativeity – Using AI/ML And behavioral Science To Accelerate Customer Insights” provides thought-leadership from two organizations, Axos Clearing and Hive Science, on how behavioral science combined with data and AI benefits marketing communication strategies by meeting target clients where they are and when they’re ready to make a buying decision.