The Taylor Market Report (2/11/25)

Common Sense for Uncommon Markets


By Bill Taylor, CEO / Digital Wealth News and AI & Finance

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed below are solely those of Bill Taylor & do not represent those of DWN or any affiliates.  Any financial advice included here is for entertainment purposes only.

Bullish for week of 2/11/25

Neutral for the week of 2/11/25
GOLD | S&P 500

Bearish for week of 2/11/25

2/11/25 Closing Prices :

BTC: $95,148.19 | -3.6% | (Tue.-Tue.)
ETH: $2,596.11 | -5.5% | (Tue.-Tue.)
Gold: $2,864 | +1.8% | (Tue.-Tue.)
S&P 500: 6,068.50| +0.05% | (Tue.-Tue.)

Super Bowl 59 is over and done. Apparently “The Golden Age of America” is bypassing Kansas City.  Congrats to the Philadelphia Pigeons, or whatever.

With everything going on in Washington, the financial markets are remarkably calm. Tomorrow (Wed. 2/12) the CPI (Consumer Price Index) is out followed on Thursday by the PPI (Producer Price Index). Ain’t no big deal. Fed Chairman J. Powell, testifying on Capital Hill earlier, basically said rates are here for a while. Gotta wait and see.

When things get a little slow, the debate becomes about tariffs. Will tariffs cause inflation to spike up? Will the tariffs actually be fully enacted? Oh, and before I forget, there is a possible government shutdown looming. But no worries, that comes up in March which is, like, forever away. And who knows what else may pop up in the next hour/day/week?

So markets drift a little up, and a little down. No major decisions either way. Once again, gold has been the star. All time highs. I don’t know if gold is saying something meaningful OR money is moving out of bitcoin and into gold……for now. Only need one store of value position at a time. Bitcoin is drifting down after its big run up which takes ETH lower with it. The S&P 500 drifts up, sells off, rallies, drifts down…….and, well you get the picture.

Even interest rates are “mild.” They sure don’t act like inflation is about to spike up. Or, foresee an economic downturn. Blah.

So here we are.

BITCOIN is still good. Remember, the big buyers don’t need to be there every day. But they are lurking around. Might drift a little lower or just sit for a bit. Still VERY bullish.

ETH. Like a cute puppy that follows you around, the same for ETH and BITCOIN.

GOLD. Great move to new highs. It looks like it wants to print $3K, but for GOLD, too much has already happened. Neutral.

S&P 500. Sorry, the index looks like a 50-50 (up-down). Neutral.


2025 TARGETS:   

  • BITCOIN 2025……..$175,000  
  • ETH 2025…………$4,500
  • GOLD 2025……….?
  • S&P 500 2025……..? 

Current trading positions: 

  • NEUTRAL S&P 500

We compare the price of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Gold & the S&P 500. We use the CME Bitcoin Indexes (BRR & BRTI) and the CME Ethereum Indexes (ETH_RR_USD) & (ETH_RTI_USD) for reference as well as the London Bullion Market afternoon price settlement on the digital assets & gold.

Bill Taylor is CEO of Digital Wealth News. He is widely published & quoted in financial media and an international expert on markets and BTC, ETH, Gold & SP500.

His opinions are solely his own and for informative purposes only.