Fintech Luminary in Training – Meet Jessica Albright


Digital Wealth News is pleased to bring you our “Fintech Luminaries” series – featuring thought leaders within the digital wealth ecosystems.  For our latest feature, we’d like to offer a fresh new take on this series with an interview from an up and coming FUTURE Fintech Luminary, 8th grader Jessica Albright. Learn how the current generation is already using fintech and how they hope to be involved in the industry in the future.

NAME: Jessica Albright
TITLE: 8th Grader & Intern
Digital Wealth News

Do you use fintech in your everyday life? Do your friends?

My friends and I use Apple Pay, Paypal and Venmo whenever we go shopping or go out to eat. This is so much more efficient than cash because it’s all digital and we don’t have to worry about losing it. We can also lend each other money virtually, without having to be in person. I don’t know how kids in the 1900s carried around all those coins! I’m also starting to learn about cryptocurrencies and how to invest in them. I think it is important to start investing early.

When did you first learn about fintech?

I first learned about fintech when I was in elementary school. At the time, my mom, Dara Albright, came to my class to deliver a presentation about how famous inventors, throughout history, found ways to raise the capital needed to get their inventions into the market. She explained how social media paved the way for a tool called crowdfunding to be used by modern inventors and entrepreneurs. With crowdfunding, even kids could invent new products and become successful entrepreneurs!

How are you currently involved in fintech?

I recently started interning for Digital Wealth News. I help track the number of readers and I also put together monthly analytic reports for some of Digital Wealth News’ clients. This is my very first job and I am learning a lot. It’s especially fun working with my Mom. It’s much better when my Mom is talking to me about work than when she is telling me to eat my vegetables and take my vitamins!

Do you hope to be involved in the fintech industry when you become an adult?

I’d like to be a lawyer when I grow up. As fintech innovation evolves, new laws will emerge. I’d like to be someone who could help ensure that those laws benefit the people who need fintech the most like the people who don’t have access to banks or the small businesses that help our communities thrive. I’d also like to work with fintech entrepreneurs and be one of the first to see new fintech technologies emerge.

Jessica Albright is an 8th grade student with a passion for writing and an interest in finance and law. She is presently interning at Digital Wealth News where she is learning about the intersection between blockchain, media and finance.