This AI Has BAD-itude!


We thought we’d give our readers a light little piece on how funny AI can be sometimes!

The backstory is that I recently learned that an industry friend here in Bozeman and his wife are expecting a baby.  I sent him a note of congratulations (by email) and decided to include a cute little AI-generated image to accompany my well wishes with the text “Congratulations on Your Pregnancy!”.

I have noted previously here in several posts for AI & Finance™ that AI just has one heck of a time with spelling in images.  You can provide the EXACT spelling and ask it multiple ways (as I noted for another image in my column on CoPilot this week), but you’re gonna get what you’re gonna get.

CURRENTLY, the majority of the time, it seems that the spelling is NOT going to be correct.  If you’re lucky – you may end up with the correct spelling in the image AT SOME POINT – but if you want the exact same background – and put that in the query – it ain’t gonna happen.  These AI seem to like to play mind games!!

This week, though, it went to a new level.  I got scolded by the AI (Dall-E) – and here’s my mature editorial response – I started scolding it back!  You can see the full email dialogue below, and check out how the AI told me it had spelled “Pregnancy” correctly……then check out the 3 images I received back!

So – how do you respond when an AI gives you lip?  I ended up giving up on this one and had fun with it!  See below…..and enjoy your weekend!  And don’t get into a “verbal” fight with an AI – nobody will win!! 🙂

My Email to Tech Friend in Bozeman….

“Didn’t know you were expecting…..congratulations to you and your wife!!  

Somehow, I never noticed her baby bump before !  Hope it’s a joyful time for you and your family……..”
“And btw, thought you’d get a kick out of this – ChatGPT gave me attitude when I asked it to correct the spelling and gave me two more images with different misspelling!  LOL”
Moral of THIS (AI) story – you gotta pick your fights!  This one was not “win-able”, so a pivot was necessary!