IN MEMORIAM: Gavin Spitzner, Wealth Consulting Partners


Digital Wealth News is saddened to report the passing of wealthtech industry titan and friend, Gavin Spitzner.  Spitzner was the founder of Wealth Consulting Partners, LLC, which according to the firm’s website, “offer(ed) a range of consulting services encompassing everything from target operating model design to implementation.”

Spitzner was 57, and held a number of roles in the wealthtech and fintech sectors outside of his consultancy, including:

  • at
  • Advisory Council at
  • Senior Advisor at
  • Senior Consultant at &
  • Limited Partner at

At time of publication, messages were pouring into his Linkedin & Twitter profiles expressing memories and extending condolences from senior executives at Intellifo, Tifin, Orion, Goldman Sachs, Bento Engine and numerous others in the industry.

In a statement on Spitzner’s Linkedin profile on January 31, his family posted the following:

“(T)his is Gavin’s family and we sadly need to let you know that after a short illness that he battled bravely, he passed on January 30, 2023. Gavin wanted all his friends, family and colleagues to know he died at peace without any regrets. He treasured the time he spent with you — co-workers, clients and all the people he engaged with at conferences or even social media — and he loved the life that he led. He was blessed with an amazing family – wife, children, parents, brother, stepmom, grandparents, in-laws and many more who helped shape him into the boy he was and the man, husband, father and uncle he would become.

He had many adventures and had the good fortune to get to see his three kids grow into generous, thoughtful, compassionate young adults. He was thrilled to see how he had passed on his love of music, humor, puzzles, hiking, photography, travel, sports and so much more.

If anyone has anything they’d like to share about Gavin — funny, weird, random — we have set up an email at [email protected].

Donations can be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

The entire Digital Wealth News team sends our deepest condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Gavin.  He will be missed.