MARTECH MINUTES: How to Circumvent Client Communication Breakdowns


Maintaining consistent client communication is imperative for solid relationships and attracting new business. According to Teresa Leno, CEO and Founder of Fresh Finance, clients may be unhappy with their advisors because they need more communication. In our latest interview, she underscores that advisor-client communication is no longer just emails and phone calls; it’s social media, blog posts, and newsletters, too!

Tackling the communication breakdown

“Clients don’t necessarily fire advisors only because of poor performance, but rather because the advisor never communicates with them,” says Leno.

Leno has been an advisor herself and says that tapping into content marketing (social media, blog posts, podcast episodes, newsletters, third-party articles, etc.) helps advisors maintain communication without coming off as ‘sales-seeking’ in their approach. In addition, incorporating timely and relevant financial topics can help strengthen a client’s belief that their advisor is a thought leader in the industry.

To do this, Leno says that the organization must help advisors communicate and educate their clients and provide their advisors with the appropriate enterprise communication tools.

“Too often, organizations have no idea what the vendor provides regarding content or tools because they’re not managed by marketing and compliance. Enterprise-wide firm-managed solutions and consistent finance articles can help advisors maintain and win new business,” adds Leno.

In addition to building a content marketing mix, Leno says clients may want customized communication.

“Because an advisor’s communication strategy directly impacts their success, sending out a monthly or bi-weekly newsletter or articles of interest to a particular client is an excellent way to personalize content marketing efforts, as the content can be problem-solving or action-specific.

This content can even reside in a wealth-tech portal as a client logs in. Finance content should be delivered in various applications between the client and advisor; the opportunities to provide communication assets are endless,” comments Leno.

In closing, she adds that it’s important to remember that one of an advisor’s greatest strengths is being human. Advisors must focus on building relationships to achieve long-term success. Therefore, being a proactive, positive communicator can go a long way in maintaining client relationships and finding new prospects who need their help.

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Teresa Leno worked as a financial advisor and experienced firsthand the importance of financial education to help clients make more informed decisions before a crisis. Through her experience, Fresh Finance was started as a financial content marketing solution to help advisors validate their expertise through sharing content.