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AI Intelligence

Digital Wealth News is pleased to announced our new series on the top stories in Artificial Intelligence & Finance

AI In Finance, Part 3: The Transformative Role of AI in Account Setup

We continue with part 3 of our five-part series, exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) enhances the client experience by creating an end-to-end digital experience...

Financial Inclusion for 2024 and How AI Will Contribute

Financial inclusion is the goal of ensuring that everyone, regardless of their income, location, gender, or other factors, has access to affordable and appropriate...

AI and Blockchain: A New Frontier in Institutional Finance

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, two innovations have emerged as game-changers: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain. Both technologies have been making waves individually,...

Q&A: CogniCor Founder – AI Makes Advisors Better at Client Service

When Sindhu Joseph, Ph.D. founded CogniCor in 2018, her vision was to provide the financial services industry with the tools needed to alleviate the...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Wealth Management in 2024 and Beyond

This past year will be remembered for many things: geopolitical unrest, high interest rates and inflation, the coronation of Charles III, Barbenheimer … And...

Is AI (Artificial Intelligence) the New Bitcoin?

OK! First I totally realize that AI and Bitcoin are like a vegetable and a fruit. I'm referring to the price action of each...

AI In Finance, Part 2: Chatbots and the Client Experience

This week we continue with part 2 of our five-part series, where we explore how artificial intelligence (AI) enhances the client experience by creating...

ESG Investing in 2024: The Role of AI/ML

Like it or not, in 2024, the financial landscape has been significantly reshaped by two key trends: the rise of ESG (Environmental, Social, and...

Can NIST Guidelines Keep AI Trustworthy?

Ever since ChatGPT became the fastest growing app in history, artificial intelligence has captured the world’s imagination. The expected implications of AI vary depending...

AI In Finance, Part 4: Using AI In Portfolio Construction

We continue with part 4 of our five-part series, exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) enhances the client experience by creating an end-to-end digital experience...