MARTECH MINUTES: Critical Content Marketing Strategies for Financial Advisors


By Teresa Leno

Marketing plan needs to be fine-tuned as industry trends and business goals change. If you’ve found yourself growing complacent with your marketing efforts, here are seven items to focus on this year to help amplify your marketing:

  1. Update your website’s content. Make sure to optimize your website to attract your ideal customer. Your website is the most important marketing asset responsible for lead generation and ultimately increasing your client base and AUM. Provide as much information as possible using relevant content that positions you as a trusted financial expert.
  2. Refresh your site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). An important way to strengthen your website is to work on your SEO. If your website ranks high with SEO, it will rate higher in search engine results, yielding more visits to your website. SEO is not something that is done one time and forgotten; SEO work should happen at a minimum at least once per year. Either work with your website’s provider or hire a SEO expert to help ensure your SEO is helping drive new leads for your organization.
  3. Define your audience. Focus on your specific audience. Why waste time trying to please everyone? Cater your message to your clients and ideal prospects and create specific content to eliminate having too broad of services.
  4. Develop your brand. A specific and unique brand will help differentiate you from your competition. Invest in your brand to highlight your company’s specific niche and ensure it inspires trust in your audience. Take notice that your logo and any photos are professional in nature and reflect your organization’s mission. If you haven’t had a brand refresh in a while, consider refreshing or developing a new logo and implement new brand colors.
  5. Engage with others on social media. It’s time to get social! If your company doesn’t have social media pages, you miss out on the exposure of engaging socially with others and potential leads. Starting with LinkedIn, post a minimum of twice per week- one post from your website’s blog and one industry news. Also, add posts that show your team, events, or community service as they happen. Twitter and Facebook are also great platforms for creating a social media presence for your company.

If you already have company social media accounts, update your banners and company profile for a fresh new look. Next, get posting!

Last, remember to engage with others on social media by liking and positively commenting, where appropriate.

  1. Regularly post to your website’s blog. Use finance content to show off your unique offerings and expertise on your blog. Your blog’s articles should have your ideal clients in mind, the problems they have, and how you help solve them. Focus on financial education and likely your blog’s content will resonate with your clients and prospects.
  2. Use email marketing. Your website and social pages are great ways to start a conversation with your clients, but the most direct way to contact them is through email marketing. Grab your email lists for current clients and start using a monthly email newsletter to stay connected and continue to build your list to reach out to prospects that have visited your website as well. Remember to abide by can-spam laws by adding a newsletter signup feature to your website to gain new email addresses.

Focusing on these seven marketing tactics can help you generate new business this year. Remember, your marketing plan should be specific to your needs deserves regular attention in order for your plan to be successful.

Contact Fresh Finance to learn more about their enterprise MarTech SaaS content tool for firms with 25 or more advisors

Teresa Leno worked as a financial advisor and experienced firsthand the importance of financial education to help clients make more informed decisions before a crisis. Through her experience, Fresh Finance was started as a financial content marketing solution to help advisors validate their expertise through sharing content.