STANDARD DEVIATIONS PODCAST: Sterling Johnson – Working Toward Economic Equity


This week on the Standard Deviations Podcast, Dr. Daniel Crosby speaks with Sterling Johnson.

Sterling Johnson is the Just Opportunity Portfolio Director for the Partnership for Southern Equity. Sterling utilizes interdisciplinary approaches and strategic partnerships to develop economically viable and diverse communities. Sterling also maximizes public policy, planning principles, community engagement and economic development tools to address the history of economic disenfranchisement and racial economic disparities through the development of research and policy initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the public, private, and social sector.

Tune in to hear:

– What does the Partnership for Southern Equity really focus on and what is Sterling’s role there?

– What is the difference between equity and equality and why is this an important distinction to make when talking about the kind of work the PSE does?

– What things, governmentally or institutionally, are still in place structurally that disadvantage black and brown people from economic equality?

– Atlanta consistently ranks among the highest of American cities with the greatest economic disparity. At a city-wide level, what drives this massive wealth gap?

– How can one balance an awareness of the past, and a realization that people don’t start on even ground in life, with a cautious optimism about how we can move forward?

– When some of the biggest drivers of wealth inequality are so organic, like who you choose to marry, how can we make meaningful progress?

– What things have we not gone over that might move the needle towards a more equitable future in America?

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Educated at Brigham Young and Emory Universities, Dr. Daniel Crosby, the personality behind STANDARD DEVIATIONS podcast, is a psychologist and behavioral finance expert who helps organizations understand the intersection of mind and markets.

Dr. Crosby’s first book, Personal Benchmark: Integrating Behavioral Finance and Investment Management, was a New York Times bestseller. His second book, The Laws of Wealth, was named the best investment book of 2017 by the Axiom Business Book Awards and has been translated into Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese and German. His latest work, The Behavioral Investor, is an in-depth look at how sociology, psychology and neurology all impact investment decision-making.