DWealth Muse Podcast Series: Episode 16 – Improving Financial Transactions with Biometrics Technology


DWealth Muse is a podcast series on Digital Wealth News that bridges the knowledge gap between conventional and modern finance through original coverage of the tidal wave of technological and regulatory change headed to finance as it shifts to a digital, decentralized system.

You can listen to all DWealth Muse podcasts at this link: https://dwealth.news/podcast/

Episode 16 – Improving Financial Transactions with Biometrics Technology

In this episode, host Dara Albright and guest, Andy Finch, CEO of IT Biometrics, discuss how advancements in identity authentication technology impacts financial transactions and fosters the growth of decentralized finance. Highlights include:

  • Why biometrics technology is becoming such an integral component to finance;
  • Different types of biometrics;
  • The convergence of biometrics and financial technologies;
  • The failures of passwords and passphrases;
  • The eye-popping cybercrime stats;
  • How biometrics technology will help foster the institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies;
  • How biometrics technology can help resolve some of the issues relating to the custodying of digital assets;
  • How RIAs can leverage biometrics technologies;
  • Why not all biometrics are created equal.