Rethink. Financial Advice Podcast: The News Hidden Behind the Headlines featuring Cindy Taylor



What’s really going on in financial services? We’re bombarded with curated news media that is hyped and often doesn’t cover the non-promoted or unpopular trends often hidden the curtain of hot topics and headlines.  Join us as we speak with industry news & media veteran Cindy Taylor and dive into what she’s seeing behind the curtain. Something can be learned from the trends people like Cindy see that gets lost in the media snippet and myopic channel following that we wanted to rethink.

Cindy, Adam & Derek discuss:

  • Curated media and the filter content goes through
  • The importance of integrated tech stacks message not being heard
  • Media training for advisors is underplayed
  • Follow more than one media outlet for diversity
  • The importance of honing your personal communication skills
  • No one wants to say “Recession” but there are both pressures and opportunities for advisors
  • Crypto isn’t dead but advisors are still choosing to stay uninformed on the topic
  • Product/investment fees no one wants to talk about
  • And lots more!