Rethink. Financial Advice Podcast: What Can Advisors Learn from the Former CEO of PayPal & Personal Capital?


For over 25 years Bill Harris has been at the intersection of money, taxes, and digital technology. As a pioneer in financial technology Bill brings unique and extensive insights into how technology is changing our interactions with money and what advisors, and their clients, should be thinking about. Bill provides invaluable insight into how technology can revolutionize the financial advisory industry. A key takeaway is that financial advisors should leverage technology to facilitate a greater human connection with their clients. Bill also unveils his new book, which simplifies tax strategy for investors. Join us for this one of a kind conversation!

In this episode Derek, Adam and Bill chat about:

  • How the industry is stuck in the past using outdated technology
  • The entire business model can be revolutionized
  • Replacing manual intervention with technology
  • How Advisors should be doing the things a client isn’t forced to do
  • Advocating for tech within your firm and actually using it
  • Changing the pace of your practice with technology
  • A greater digital/virtual experience
  • Bill’s new book, Investment Tax Guide