MARTECH MINUTES: The Wealth Marketers’ 2025 Wish List: Seamless Martech tools

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The wealth management industry continuously evolves with new digital technology and shifting client demands and behaviors. This changing technology also necessitates organizations to invest in new enterprise marketing technology—or “Martech” tools—to enhance client communications and prospecting.

Our recent interview with Teresa Leno, Founder and CEO of Fresh Finance, weighs in on what organizations must consider as they strive to upgrade their Martech and check off their marketing team’s wish list.

Leno says that various Martech tools have surfaced, but not many are managed internally by the organization to benefit their advisors. She comments that she’s seeing a trend emerge: bringing advisor marketing back in-house and managed by internal advisor marketing teams.

Fresh Finance is an enterprise marketing communications platform the home office manages to benefit advisor marketing. It’s the only solution that brings compliance, marketing, and advisors into one content management and distribution platform. Its design allows for the integration of CRM, compliance workflow, archiving, social media, and more.

“In this competitive industry, it’s now more crucial than ever for wealth marketers to leverage advanced Martech tools across the entire organization. Modern marketing tools corporate integrated technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and automation to deliver more personalized and efficient communications to today’s tech-savvy clients,” says Leno.

The Martech revolution has undoubtedly opened a realm of possibilities for wealth marketers. So, what exactly sits on their wish list of new Martech tools? Leno dives into the most sought-after solutions these professionals anticipate integrating into their Martech toolbox in 2025.

  1. CRM Integration

Wealth marketers interact with numerous clients daily, making it vital to maintain streamlined and valid records of these communications. Integrating Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools can help marketers and advisors keep track of interactions with existing clients. CRM integration also aids segmentation and offers more tailored client engagement.

She comments, “CRM should seamlessly integrate into a Martech platform and not be a ‘swivel chair.’ CRM must capture client communications, aid in record-keeping and review processes, and integrate as a two-way API connection between the Martech solution and CRM.”

  1. Predictive Analytics

With AI and machine learning capabilities advancing, wealth marketers expect predictive analytics in their Martech toolboxes. Predictive analytics use historical data to predict future behavior, enhancing marketing strategies and client targeting.

“Predictive analytics is an ideal way to anticipate customers’ interests and needs, allowing marketers to personalize their approach further,” says Leno.

  1. Enterprise Marketing Automation

Wealth marketers want to automate enterprise marketing processes through tools that offer automation, save time, and provide valuable insights. They can automate email marketing, social media posts, and more, making the process smoother and more efficient.

“At a time where marketing budgets are in flux, automation can save human capital and money,” says Leno.

  1. Data Integration

Wealth marketers are interested in Martech tools that provide an integrated data view across the enterprise. By combining data from multiple sources, marketers can gain more comprehensive insights into advisors’ social media trends, client behavior, and preferences, facilitating more effective and personalized marketing campaigns.

“Fresh Finance provides a high-level view of which advisors use social media and which don’t. This insight helps prompt marketing professionals to reach out to assist them with their social media strategy. After all, social media ties to client prospecting and equates to new AUM,” she says.

Additionally, Fresh Finance provides marketers with data to tie client interest profiles based on the articles they’re reading through the digital newsletter to AUM growth. She says Fresh Finance also includes reporting for advisors to start conversations with their clients- a win-win for the entire organization.

  1. Content Personalization

Personalization plays a crucial role in modern marketing strategies. Marketers desire Martech tools that allow content personalization and tailor messages to individual clients based on their specific needs and preferences. Personalized marketing can significantly enhance customer engagement and retention rates.

  1. Cybersecurity Measures

Leno comments, “Digital marketing requires secure platforms. Martech tools with built-in cybersecurity measures are increasingly on wealth marketers’ wish lists as they ensure the safety of client data and protect against potential breaches.”

In closing, she adds that organizations investing in these sought-after Martech tools are taking a step in the right direction to stay ahead in this competitive industry.

“The right blend of CRM integration, analytics, marketing automation, content personalization, social media management, and cybersecurity measures can help marketers thrive amid the changing digital landscape. This is the power of what Fresh Finance can do: integrating these tools into one seamless solution, with access among stakeholders,” says Leno.

Contact Fresh Finance to learn more about their enterprise MarTech SaaS content tool for firms with 25 or more advisors

Teresa Leno worked as a financial advisor and experienced firsthand the importance of financial education to help clients make more informed decisions before a crisis. Through her experience, Fresh Finance was started as a financial content marketing solution to help advisors validate their expertise through sharing content.