WEALTHTECH INSIDER: In Digital Marketing To Prospects, Consistency Counts


In one recent survey, almost 84% of investors said they believe receiving personalized content is important when making their decision about who to invest with, and 42% now start the search for a financial advisor online. In an industry where client referrals have long been the number one way to grow, these are dramatic changes.

Content generation takes on new importance in our remote-service reality. You need to be the answer when clients are searching for an advisor online, and continue to deliver the advice and investment expertise they need after they’ve found you.


Many people misunderstand or don’t grasp the reason for a financial plan and need to be shown the value of good advice. But savvier investors are looking for a financial advisor who will guide and teach them. Writing blog articles is a perfect way to show that you can be the coach for their financial life. You can use blogs to explain complicated investing concepts, give your own commentary on what is happening in the markets, and share news about your firm.

It might seem like a basic concept given how long blogging has been around, but writing a blog is still one of the best ways to market your firm online by increasing your visibility. You can use this technique to fill up the schedule for your social media posts, link to blogs in emails, drive traffic to your website, and even use your blog posts to create videos or longer content. Plus, the more your blog is read, the more Google is likely to show the articles to other people looking for that same topic. Maintaining a popular blog also increases the likelihood that someone reading and enjoying your content will reach out to you for help when they need an advisor.

If writing seems out of your comfort zone, remember that you are an expert in your field and that more than anything, consistency is the key. Regularly updating your blog is one of the most effective ways to share your knowledge and demonstrate that you have the background necessary to help with an investor’s problems—even before you ever meet.

Social media

To find prospects, you need to be where they are, and they are definitely on social media.

Look at Facebook, for starters. According to Pew Research Center, nearly seven in 10 U.S. adults use the platform. Social media gives you a place to share all of the content you’re creating, as well as a way for your clients and followers to share that content with their friends. Client referrals are still a large part of the advisory industry; by making yourself more available online, you make it easier for clients to share what you’ve done for them.

But always remember: Social media is social. It’s not just about posting informative updates; you also have to take time to engage. As much as your compliance department allows, look for ways to get into conversations with peers and prospective clients about topics that are natural to your interests, and then offer your financial acumen when it makes sense.

Similar to blogging, social media rewards consistent activity. Monitor your accounts, respond to comments, and answer any direct messages as quickly as possible. One “like” could be the start of a relationship that turns into a new client.