Rethink. Financial Advice Podcast: Stop Forcing Advisors to be Technologists featuring Marc Butler


With the recent release from Fidelity on how many 401k millionaires there are, and that the average account balance being just over 100k for over 45 million Americans and all the talk about AI in the wealth management space we were really keen to answer this question. Join us as we speak with industry and fintech veteran, Marc Butler, who was doing wealthtech before it even had a name, as we chat about the the use and importance of tech when it comes to the financial well-being of society on a whole.

In this episode Marc, Adam and Derek chat about:

  • The enormity of the underserved markets
  • 401k millionaires (or lack there of), running out of money, and how tech can help advisors help more people
  • A boots-on-the-ground example of a potential retirement crisis for millions of people
  • Advisors don’t sign up to become technologists
  • Is AI going to support or compete with Financial Advisors?
  • What will be the regulatory response to AI advice, written, data security?
  • What are the best use cases for GPT impact to advisors for now or in the future?

And more!