Court Room Battles. Financial Markets. The Fourth Quarter Begins.

Get ready. This is gonna be one helluva fourth quarter. Interesting? For sure. Entertaining? If you like horror movies. Scary? Yup, even Halloween won't...

MMM……..Mish Mash & More

You have arrived at your destination. So where is that exactly? In this case it's the end of the third quarter. Only a few...

Bearish is the New Bullish. WTF!

To be perfectly blunt, WTF is going on? Let's pretend you are spending time at the international space station looking down at earth from 250...

Inflation vs. Actual Cost. Revealing.

You've heard this before ... "If inflation is moderating why do I always seem to have less money?" Well, it's tricky and can be...

Summer’s Over. Now, The Sprint to Year End.

Been away? Took some time off? Well it's just about time to get back to the "real world." Which, by the way, is certainly...

Fool Me Once……..Fool Me Twice?

You know the quote .... "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". Yup, still holds true. BUT, what if you...

Is the “New Normal” the “Old Normal?”

"Normals" are getting confusing. New normal, old normal 'expected' normal. Actually, what is "normal?" If you know the answer to that you qualify to be...

OpEd: Financial Literacy in America – We Must Act Now

Financial literacy, which benefits from financial education, directly correlates to making sound financial decisions that help one manage and grow financial assets confidently.

The Week in Digital Wealth (8/7/23)

The drop in U.S. credit ratings did not slow things down in the industry. Then again, the downgrade is a sign of the chaotic times...

OpEd: Deception. Chaos. Can AI help?

Sometimes it's just too much. We are talking information. Or, rather, the immense choices of information. How do you know which source (or financial index)...