Crypto is Going to the Moon. But MARS?

Almost everyone has seen that cryptocurrencies have lately been.....well, a real moonshot. Bitcoin, ether and the lesser known digital currency names have had quite a blast off.

Chicago Fed President Mistakes Jan. 1st for April 1st (April Fools Day)

Charles Evans, President of the Chicago Federal Reserve bank, seems to have completely mistaken New Years Day (Jan 1) for April Fools Day (April 1) as he gave a speech Monday.

$500 Billion? Really? Yes, Really!

Most everyone probably knows what the headline is referring to, but just in case, it;s the current market cap of Bitcoin.

2020 Fintech Venture Capital Trends

Each week, we publish the Top 5 Fintech VC Deals of the Week for our readers, but for our year end piece, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at some trends that happened in 2020 instead.

Designing First-Class Digital Experiences in a Post-Pandemic World

Back in March, hardly anyone in the wealth management industry had the faintest idea how long most of us would be working remotely. As 2020 draws to a close, with some companies changing their practices to make remote work a more permanent mode of operations, it seems clear that virtual, digitally enabled experiences are here to stay.

Should I Stay or Should I Go? Easy. Going!

That title from a classic rock song from the Clash (Combat Rock album....1981) pretty much says it all during this nationwide epic migration.

MassMutual Gets Into Bitcoin, But Let’s Dig Deeper

MassMutual spent $5M (chump change) to acquire a minority interest in NYDIG AND buy $100M of bitcoin from NYDIG's portfolio

Tokenization Can Make Real Estate Assets Highly Liquid

The age-old advice for real estate investing must evolve. It is true that in real estate the imperative is “location, location, location.” But now we must add to that mantra “liquidity, liquidity, liquidity.” It is time to modernize the real estate industry -- it’s time for tokenization.

21 Financial Resolutions for 2021

It's hard to believe that 2021 is almost upon us - jarring actually - and I am certain that we ALL are hoping for a return to some level of normalcy next year. With that said, he American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) recently joined forces with the National CPA Financial Literacy Foundation to create a list of "21 for '21" financial resolutions, which we found quite clever.

SEC’s FinHub – Stand Alone, or Stand Next To?

The SEC has had the Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology, or FinHub, around for a few years but it was just announced that FinHub will now become a stand alone office