Not Again. Another Bitcoin Bash. From the WSJ??
Well, Well Well. Having read the "Streetwise" column by James Mackintosh in last Friday's Wall Street Journal, it seems we have yet another "bitcoin...
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Or FOBI (Fear of Being In)
Well, here we are again.
Financial markets have moved up sharply. Bitcoin and ethereum, too. Now what? The higher markets go, FOMO kicks in. You...
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?
This is it? The end of 2023 with two months to go? Are financial markets done for the year? If so, now what? It's...
Inflation? Cost of Living? No Big Deal.
Let's look back. Specifically 2019 through year-to-date 2023. That covers COVID-19, economic "upheaval," recovery, inflation and the Fed raising interest rates. Whew. That's a...
Now What? What’s Next?
Crazy enough for you?
Just trying to get to the end of the year and the only thing in the way is the fourth...
Court Room Battles. Financial Markets. The Fourth Quarter Begins.
Get ready. This is gonna be one helluva fourth quarter. Interesting? For sure. Entertaining? If you like horror movies. Scary? Yup, even Halloween won't...
MMM……..Mish Mash & More
You have arrived at your destination.
So where is that exactly? In this case it's the end of the third quarter. Only a few...
Bearish is the New Bullish. WTF!
To be perfectly blunt, WTF is going on?
Let's pretend you are spending time at the international space station looking down at earth from 250...
Inflation vs. Actual Cost. Revealing.
You've heard this before ... "If inflation is moderating why do I always seem to have less money?" Well, it's tricky and can be...
Summer’s Over. Now, The Sprint to Year End.
Been away? Took some time off? Well it's just about time to get back to the "real world." Which, by the way, is certainly...