
DWN Publisher Notes For 12/12/23

Friends, this week we posted our second article in our 5-part series on AI in Finance and covered chatbots.  I'll be honest - I'm the crazy lady yelling at the phone while these things ask me WAY too many irrelevant questions, but they are an important tool and will no doubt get better over time. READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 12/5/23

Friends, this week we begin a new 5-part series on AI in Finance.  Uncomfortable with this paradigm-shifting technology?  You won't be after you educate yourself on these real-world uses for finance professionals in this series. READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 11/28/23

Friends, hoping Thanksgiving was filled with joy for you and yours.  This week we look at VR in 2024 and question why the venerable WSJ is bashing Bitcoin yet again. READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 11/21/23

Friends, it's Thanksgiving week here in the US and at DWN, we truly have so much to be thankful for, including you - our incredible readers!  We're also revisiting a VERY FUN and timely interview from 2021 with blockchain businessfowl T. Gobble of FinTurk Farms! READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 11/14/23

Friends, you no doubt know what FOMO stands for in financial markets, but do you know what FOBI stands for?  Check out this week's feature story and you will! READ UP!!

DWN Publisher Notes For 11/7/23

Friends, updating tech stacks is all the rage - even the NYSE announced theirs was recently upgraded.  Tech may SEEM like it's slowing but it ain't over until it's over. READ UP!!

DWN Publisher Notes For 10/31/23

Friends, our CEO mentioned that he's researching DWN for historical info for his content this week.  We love being the resource you can use for delving into digital wealth - past, present & future. READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 10/24/23

Friends, is AI REALLY that smart?  We  also have a chat with Mom & Dad about crypto and dig into the SBF trial with details you won't hear on the MSM. READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 10/17/23

Friends, what news is news?  We ponder this DEEP EXISTENTIAL QUESTION while also delving into a large state's new crypto legislation and how technology affects advisor recruiting plus more. READ UP!

DWN Publisher Notes For 10/11/23

Friends, this week we have an insightful new zoomcast with Michael Pinsker of Docupace, a speculative look at what's next for markets and more great content and news in the digital wealth sector.  READ UP!