Publisher Notes For 3/22/23
Friends, some REALLY compelling content to catch up on in BOTH our edit and thought leadership this week. Meanwhile, click thru to read my op-ed this week, reviewing the CURRENT SIGNFICANCE of Starlink and a new payments processing firm coming from Twitter, announced late last year. READ UP!
REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: US Crypto Banking Embargo Brewing?
With the FDIC’s March 12th seizure of Signature Bank, what started as a bank run on Silvergate Bank has become a coordinated attempt by the FDIC to remove crypto related firms from banks in the United States.
MARTECH MINUTES: How Wealth Management Firms Can Grow Harnessing Financial Content
Research suggests that proactive & frequent communication with clients leads to higher satisfaction, and as communication frequency increases, we see customer satisfaction scores increase by 52 percent.
BACK OFFICE HEROES: The First Step in the Financial Planning Process is Client Data...
Onboarding new clients is a notoriously onerous and time-consuming process for financial advisors, but it’s necessary for a successful relationship.
WEALTHTECH INSIDER: Redefine the Client Experience with the Client Portal
An up-to-date client portal needs to offer a streamlined, unified experience for investors and prospects, said Josh Benson, Vice President, Business Development at Orion Advisor Solutions
The Taylor Market Report (3/14/23)
Is the Fed bailout (full deposit backstop) of SVB & Signature Bank the first step in taking over the banking system and paving the way for a CBDC (central bank digital currency)?
Publisher Notes For 3/15/23
Friends, the 800-pound gorilla in the room is, of course, the banking sector blow up that occurred this past week. And while it can be debated, who (or what) is ultimately at fault, in the meantime, the world of digital wealth moves forward, despite the ensuing market chaos. READ UP!
MARTECH MINUTES: The Rise of Advisor Marketing Departments
With the model of advisor marketing services woven into the culture of the company, having a suite of marketing tools readily available and a team that supports them is attractive to advisors looking to transition.
BACK OFFICE HEROES: Why Financial Advisors Matter More During Recessions
Rumbles of recession can spark fear for both investors and customers alike. Not knowing which way economic winds may blow can lead to client hesitation when it comes to making strategic financial investments.
The Taylor Market Report (3/7/23)
Inflation is going higher. Interest rates are going higher. I've sat through this movie before (1970's and 1980-81), and it does not end well.