The Grail with Keith Gregg (3/24/21)

“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” - Fred Rogers


By Keith Gregg, Founder/CEO, Chalice Network

There’s no question that evolution is a natural part of life – and business. Just look at the world around us, and compare it to 15 years ago. In 2006, a majority of the world was using flip phones with iPhones still a year away from being released, YouTube was barely a year old, and Netflix was only an online DVD rental store. And as we’ve discussed over the past few weeks, you need to adapt to survive, or you’ll end up like Blockbuster, just a thing of the past.

For small and mid-size businesses, adapting and evolving means going through a digital transformation. And historically, that’s been no easy task — that is, until Chalice Network was created. Chalice is purpose-built to help give small and mid-size business owners an easy and cost-effective way to digitally transform and evolve their business. By providing our members with access to the tools, technology, and resources needed to digitally transform their business for a low monthly membership fee, we help them stay competitive and grow the value of their enterprise.

“Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.”

-Fred Rogers

Digital transformation is critical for every business to not only survive, but to continue to evolve and grow. And, as astute business owners know, with the digital landscape changing so quickly, you need more than a “one and done” commitment or upgrade to stay ahead of the curve. This becomes even more important for small and mid-size business owners that are reaching the point where they are considering succession plans. It’s the endgame, and your ability to have evolved your business through digital transformation is one of the biggest factors when it comes to its value.

Remember, as you prepare to sell your business or implement a succession plan, one of the biggest determinations of your business’s value is its ability to digitally connect, transact, and stay current to best serve clients and attract new prospects. That’s why Chalice membership make so much sense. Our members have access to everything needed to cost-effectively maximize the value of their business as they look to effectively monetize it.

So, when it comes to the endgame, this is where Chalice really shines. Let’s review the essential ways Chalice can help as you prepare to move on to the next chapter of your life. 

  • Valuation: Getting a valuation for your business is one of the best things you can do as you are getting close to selling your business. It’s important to not only know what your business is worth but also have a sense of what gaps your business has and how to bridge them. And the key part of a valuation in this day and age is a business’s ability to digitally connect and deliver products and services. With a Chalice membership, you gain access to the leading, and only patented, online business valuation service at a special Chalice price.
  • Succession Link:  As you reach the point of selling your business through M&A, look to Chalice to help. Our members gain complimentary access to Succession Link, the nation’s leading platform for M&A. You’ve spent a lifetime building your business and the extra time and effort to digitally transform it — now it’s time to capitalize on both. Succession Link helps you find the right match for your business while saving you time and money.
  • E-Merge Concierge Service: As part of Succession Link, Chalice members also gain access to our customized matching service. As a concierge-style service, e-MERGE does all the work to identify and introduce you to prospects interested in buying or merging with your firm. The e-MERGE reps are there to help and provide support every step of the way. With e-MERGE, you can rest assured that your business is being connected to the right opportunities.

The power of evolution through digital transformation is monumental, especially as you’re reaching or approaching the succession phase of your business’s lifecycle. Chalice knows it’s not something that happens overnight; that’s why we provide our members with access to a wide array of technology, tools, and resources to stay ahead of the curve. So, even if you find yourself falling behind or think that a digital transformation isn’t within reach, Chalice is here to help you make that transformation and successfully evolve your business. For one small price, you can get a toolbox full of game-changing services to help you not only digitally transform and evolve your business, but also make a seamless transition from business owner to retiree (or whatever may come next)!

Click here to discover all the ways a Chalice membership can help you evolve your business.

We welcome you to join the 56,000 SMBs brethren in the Chalice Network.