REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: Why Every Advisor Needs To Know Their Crypto

For over 350 years, the nation-state system has been the cornerstone of Western politics as people who shared national characteristics created geographical boundaries & sovereign governments to manage them.

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: NFTs Are Full of Promise—and for Some, Peril

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) might play a huge role in the future of financial industry, but today, many issuers struggle to use them effectively, and advisors and investors need to be aware of their potential risks.

Publisher Notes For 6/2/21

Friends, today we're launching another new column - Real Clear Crypto - where our readers will be able to learn more about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. We also have a new term for you to check out - FUD - in Bill Taylor's post on Jamie Dimon and bitcoin, plus our other great weekly columns - filled with the latest industry news for you! Read up!

INTELLIGENCE FOR GROWTH: Managing the “Many-Headed Hydra” of Risk

Effective financial planning has to be accompanied by consideration and discussion of risk—but risk is so multifaceted it can be difficult to discuss with clients.

MARTECH MINUTES: Resetting – How Wealth Firms Can Grow Harnessing Financial Content

With today's economic challenges and a changing client demographic as younger generations inherit, firms and advisors will need to plan how they communicate with current clients and attract new ones to grow AUM.

AI ILLUMINATIONS: Spring Cleaning Your Wealth Tech

Technology used to last 20-25 years, but today, with so many apps and frameworks comprising your tech stack, it’s important to evaluate your technology every five to ten years.

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: The Ghost of Ethereum

After attending last week's blockchain conference "Consensus" in Austin, Texas, one of the key elements that struck (us) was the lack of Ethereum's presence at what used to be Ethereum's party.

BACK OFFICE HEROES: Technology Partner Integrations – What Organizations Should Consider

With the growing amount of new wealthtech year over year, integration scoring can point organizations in the right direction before they buy.

WEALTHTECH INSIDER: Four Steps for Having Difficult Conversations with Clients

When the market goes haywire or a client’s financial life is jolted, how do you help them stick to their plans? It’s important that advisors give advice & comfort in a way that is consistent with research around “stickiness.”

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: The Key to Cryptocurrency – Understanding Self-Custody

self-custody of cryptocurrencies allows for transactions that keep your identity relatively hidden, providing you with a sense of autonomy that traditional banking systems can't match.