The Taylor Market Report (12/24/24)
It appears the "Santa Claus rally" is under way. BUT, the real question is what happens when the calendar turns to January. New year. Will there be a "January effect" rally? It's 50% for a huge rally OR 50% for a big selloff with economic uncertainty going into 2025.
The Taylor Market Report (12/17/24)
Ready for the holidays? Not much time left. The big question (probably the last of 2024) is will the Fed cut interest rates after their meeting tomorrow? Betting says Santa Powell (Fed Chair) will gift us with a 25bpt rate cut. Hope you all have been nice and not naughty.
The Taylor Market Report (12/10/24)
There could be some real fireworks next week since Friday (Dec. 20th) is the third Friday of the month and the final triple/quadruple/etc. options/futures/etc. expiration. Lots to be unwound at the end of the year.....especially this year. We'll see.
The Taylor Market Report (12/3/24)
Barring anything earth shattering, the year may already be over. Gold looks to have settled just above/below $2,600, the S&P 500 (equities) look to finish at, or near, record highs. BUT there may be a bit of life left in the crypto area - specifically BTC & ETH. Otherwise, holiday time rules.
The Taylor Market Report (11/26/24)
By Bill Taylor, CEO / Digital Wealth News and AI & Finance
The Taylor Market Report (11/19/24)
BITCOIN BITCOIN BITCOIN. The biggest beneficiary of the new presidency appears to be bitcoin (crypto in general). At long last, regulatory relief is here. Additionally, Trump is very interested in creating a sovereign wealth fund that would invest in bitcoin.
The Taylor Market Report (11/12/24)
There are still a lot of problems out in Investment Land. Will a new leadership and a more business friendly environment match the initial enthusiasm? Be cautious.
The Taylor Market Report (11/5/24)
So, will the Fed cut rates? Will Trump win? Will Harris win? Stay tuned to the financial soap opera "One Day at a Time" and wait to see. If there was ever a TGIF (Thank God It's Friday), let's hope it's this one coming up.
The Taylor Market Report (10/29/24)
Not having any inside information, it doesn't appear that another interest rate cut is coming. Probably for the best since after the last cut, rates actually went up. There is really no pressure to cut rates anymore either. Voters have voted so political pressure is off.
The Taylor Market Report (10/22/24)
Financial markets (in general) seem to be waiting for more clarification on who will be the next president. Individual stocks are moving both up and down with earnings and rumors. Indices keep moving higher. Ever since the Fed cut interest rates, those same rates have actually risen. Go figure.