The Taylor Market Report (10/22/24)

Financial markets (in general) seem to be waiting for more clarification on who will be the next president. Individual stocks are moving both up and down with earnings and rumors. Indices keep moving higher.  Ever since the Fed cut interest rates, those same rates have actually risen. Go figure.

The Taylor Market Report (10/15/24)

So far it has been a very interesting October. And year. Pretty sure not many people have expected or predicted all this. But that's why things happen. Curb your enthusiasm, manage risk and stay within yourself. It's still a very dangerous market.

The Taylor Market Report (10/8/24)

It might just be that the month of October is going to be a big nothing, sprinkled with a touch of bullishness and a dab of bearishness. Very nervous and skittish. What with wars, geopolitical events, election uncertainty and a slew of possible black swan events, sitting on your hands and doing nothing is the correct action.

The Taylor Market Report (10/1/24)

October is not the kindest month for investors. Waiting for one more big push up might be like picking up quarters on the freeway. Odds are not good. If being short isn't for you, at least be defensive and cautious.

The Taylor Market Report (9/24/24)

If everything is so good why are stimulus programs (China for one) being enacted and central banks cutting interest rates? Market tops don't happen when everyone is bearish.

The Taylor Market Report (9/17/24)

Going neutral on everything. It's too much to handle right now. I fully expect a whole lot of "shenanigans" before the 'scheduled' election. When in doubt, sit it out.

The Taylor Market Report (9/10/24)

Investors are sitting on nice gains with markets drifting lower, elections (hopefully) coming up, a possible government shutdown later this month, incredible amounts of uncertainty, huge debt loads and extreme bullishness. What could possibly go wrong? Answer? A LOT. 

The Taylor Market Report (9/3/24)

CASH CASH CASH CASH CASH CASH CASH CASH  | It won't matter if you are in AI stocks, gold, bitcoin, index funds or equities in general. Lighten up, reduce risk and raise cash. Its gonna get nasty.

The Taylor Market Report (8/27/24)

Big call here. Down on the year. If you can't bring yourself to be short, be OUT. The stock market is breathing carbon monoxide. Soon to be much lower. It's gonna get really nasty next month. WHEN MARKETS GO DOWN, ADVISORS TELL YOU NOT TO PANIC. THE BEST WAY TO NOT PANIC IS TO BE OUT BEFORE MARKETS GO DOWN.

The Taylor Market Report (8/20/24)

Boy, I hope everyone has a plan. Mine is get neutral and be in as much cash as you can. I have seen and been involved in the 1987 crash, the bust, the 2008 financial crisis, the COVID crash and a few "extras." THIS is one of the most dangerous times to be in financial markets I have seen. That's a lot.