Fintech Luminaries – Meet Paul Resch of Valutico


Digital Wealth News is pleased to bring you our “Fintech Luminaries” series – featuring thought leaders within the digital wealth and blockchain ecosystems.  For the next feature in this series, we’d like you to meet Paul Resch of Valutico, which empowers businesses and experts to perform accurate valuations in a fraction of the time it used to take while solving the issue of complex tools, lack of data sources and time consuming reporting. 

NAME: Paul Resch          
TITLE: CEO & Co-Founder
COMPANY: Valutico

How did you personally become involved in fintech?

I started my career in banking (which was in itself a coincidence). When I was working in M&A I spent many nights tirelessly working in Excel which was arduous and subject to error. There was no other tool at the time so I shifted careers from Banking to Fintech and created our own valuation tool. It was the first of its kind.

What does your firm do/offer within the fintech sector?

Valutico provides the financial services industry – mainly valuation experts within Accounting and Tax advisory firms, Corporate Finance and M&A advisors, as well as investment managers – with ground-breaking data-driven tools so that they can conduct their analysis more efficiently and in a methodological fashion. Valuation advisory is complex, however Valutico’s integrated valuation solution reduces the time it takes to do a valuation from days to merely hours. The software helps these experts overcome the high and expensive requirements of the valuation process which historically demands technical and industry know-how, access to expensive financial databases, as well as time.

What has been the biggest success in your firm to date?

Aside from building a team of over 40 people in over 30 countries, we recently received an innovation grant of 200,000 Euros from the Vienna Business Agency to develop ESG valuations.The ability to quantify the ecological and societal impact of a company will become essential due to recent European regulatory developments and therefore beneficial to all financial professionals. ValutECO will be an innovative product extension of the existing valuation models, which currently focus on the financial value of a company. Rooted in Valutico’s core competency of financial business valuation, the goal is to develop and offer a robust qualitative and quantitative module for the holistic assessment of an organisation’s impact on the environment.

Paul studied Business Administration, Economics and Finance at the University of St. Gallen, Columbia University and the London School of Economics. After graduating Paul worked for Deutsche Bank before starting his entrepreneurial career, and was involved in building several companies before founding Valutico.