OpEd: Deception. Chaos. Can AI help?

Sometimes it's just too much. We are talking information. Or, rather, the immense choices of information. How do you know which source (or financial index)...

OpEd: What Has Happened to the Financial Markets?

Notice a difference in the financial markets? Or, put another way, WTF is happening? Sure, financial markets have always been in some sort of change...

DWN Op-Ed: Inflation? Shortages? Pandemic? Financial Markets? Maybe Psychedelics Could Help

Unlocking the power of psychedelics might very well help "see through" all the noise in the financial markets. Or, at least, recognize the fact that you should never (EVER) pay attention to Federal Reserve economic forecasts. So if the past year has been stressful it might make sense to calm yourself before 2022 rings in.

DWN Op-Ed: How Can the Transforming Financial Sector Be Fairly Regulated?

The delivery of financial services and operational and risk management procedures can both be significantly improved by the use of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning (ML).

DWN Op-Ed: Why Are Regulators Trying to Thwart Economic Democracy?

Actions by the Commission that include slow-walking certain fintech-related qualifications, including its sheer unwillingness to approve a cryptocurrency ETF, are just the tip of the iceberg. The latest threats by the SEC to sue cryptocurrency exchanges and its allusions to banning fintech revenue models altogether should have every American deeply concerned – especially when suggestions of such bans come just weeks following an IPO effective date.

OpEd: Financial Literacy in America – We Must Act Now

Financial literacy, which benefits from financial education, directly correlates to making sound financial decisions that help one manage and grow financial assets confidently.

DWN Op-Ed: Seat Belts and Crypto?

Well there ya go. Investor protection is as simple as wearing your car's seat belt. At least that's what Gary Gensler (Chairman of the...

DWN Op-Ed: Biden’s War on Digital Assets: Part One – The Battle for Your...

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a war going on. However, this war is not in the Ukraine. Nor is it against Russians. Rather, these battles are being fought right here on US soil, with regulatory bullets, against decentralized finance and digital assets.

OpEd: Regulatory Power. Crypto May Only Be the Beginning.

Power is like an addictive drug. Regulatory power is a drug laced with steroids. The lust for power and control is certainly nothing new,...

DWN Op-Ed: How the “Budget Reconciliation” Bill will Harm Retirement Savers, Small Businesses and...

How “Budget Reconciliation” Bill will Harm Retirement Savers, Small Businesses and Blockchain Innovation