DWN Op-Ed: WealthTech’s Three Marketing Mountains (And How to Climb Them)

By Kelly Waltrich It came to me abruptly, while I was recording a podcast about what I’ve learned from working with so many wealthtech and...

DWN Op-Ed: How Can the Transforming Financial Sector Be Fairly Regulated?

The delivery of financial services and operational and risk management procedures can both be significantly improved by the use of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning (ML).

Fear of Crypto Regulations Overblown? A Point-Counter Point

While government regulators ponder (that's being kind) about how to formally regulate crypto, it seems almost everyone has an opinion on whether it will be "doom" or "gloom" for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Here is a glimpse of the topic from a great "point-counter point" article by two extremely knowledgeable industry leaders on their thoughts.

DWN Round Table: Tech Drives Growth, Influences Decision Process for Advisor Recruitment

The recent bear market has yet to impact the seeming record-pace of advisor recruitment across the wealth management space. Especially as advisors and firms find their post-pandemic footing, technology has played a more significant role in this process over the past year, according to the experts we spoke with for the latest Digital Wealth News roundtable.

DWN Roundtable: How Digitally Enabled Alt Platforms Opened Doors in this Bear Market

As is tradition, the arrival of a Bear market gives rise to alternative investment (alts) platforms. The decade's...

DWN Op-Ed: Seat Belts and Crypto?

Well there ya go. Investor protection is as simple as wearing your car's seat belt. At least that's what Gary Gensler (Chairman of the...

DWN Op-Ed:  PE RegTech – From SEC Rules to Crypto, Urgency of Digital Solutions...

While the “Rule of Three” isn’t enshrined in any regulatory code or compliance protocol, it is a fitting construct for discussions of regtech in the private equity space today. Without question, the private equity space comes with a highly dynamic regulatory and legal environment, and this drives the kinds of technology solutions needed to address a constantly changing ecosystem.

“The Gray Swan” Vol. 6 A Very, VERY Dark Gray Swan Event?

“Gray swan is a term used to describe a potentially very significant event that is considered unlikely to happen but still possible....

The Gray Swan Takes Flight

“Gray swan is a term used to describe a potentially very significant event that is considered unlikely to happen...

DWN Op-Ed: Between the Lines of Biden’s Executive Order on Digital Assets

Being touted as “the first ever, whole-of-government approach to addressing the risks and harnessing the potential benefits of digital assets and their underlying technology”, President Biden just released his anticipated Executive Order on how he intends to tackle digital asset innovation.