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Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (4/12/22)
This week, our top deal came in at $775M for an Israeli-based B2B credit platform. B2B credit seems to be a growing category for fintech venture investment.
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (4/5/22)
Some new names in our column this week (hooray) with a blend of fintech genres. Remember, we...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (3/29/22)
The longer we write this column, the more we do a double-take. Seems that we see familiar...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (3/22/22)
More money flowed into the fintech sector this week, in an interesting mix of categories and locations. ...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (3/15/22)
Last week we proclaimed we saw a pullback in funding, but we should know better. We do...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (3/8/22)
Seeing a bit of a pullback this week in the megadeals of fintech. In prior editions, we've seen EVERY deal at $200M+. This week, only our largest deal hit that number. However, last week was a rare one indeed in geopolitics.
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (3/1/22)
This week we have some interesting new trends in digital wealth venture capital, and really every week is...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (2/1/22)
After last week's report, we had some concern that the fintech VC sector was starting to lose it's luster. For the first time, we saw a Top 5 deal come in under $100M, and it's been some time since we've seen that. Not to fear. Apparently last week was a temporary "seasonally adjusted" blip, and here we are back in $200M+ territory again.
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (1/25/22)
Friends, this week the VC numbers ratcheted down QUITE a bit in the fintech sector. What gives with that? It's probably coincidental that it has coincided in some part with the dramatic stock market declines in the US this week, because these deals take some time to close, but still, the coincidental timing is quite curious.
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (1/18/22)
With the holidays and then COVID hitting our household, we've taken a brief respite from publishing our weekly...