Holiday Greetings from Digital Wealth News™ !
Welcome to our latest edition of Digital Wealth News! New headshot today – more confident, more wise, more fintech-focused then ever before. Now let’s hit it! Here’s my take on this week’s news……
- In this week’s column for Orion’s Wealthtech Insider series, CMO Kelly Waltrich interviews Brendan McConnell who talks about direct indexing technology and tech tools that are working best for advisors now;
- Keith Gregg, CEO of Chalice Network, shares how a recent DIY project got him to thinking about the famous Einstein quote, “The genius is in making the complex simple” and relates this to the same challenges SMBs encounter;
- Bill Taylor of Entoro Wealth updates us on the markets this past week and movement in gold, S&P 500, BTC & ETH in The Taylor Report;
We also have a new Fintech Luminaries post with Conor Delaney, CEO of Good Life Companies, who discussed in-depth how his firm uses technology tools, including artificial intelligence to enhance their offerings to clients with Digital Wealth News.
In our latest installment for our weekly series on the top 5 fintech VC deals for the past week, not one of our deals topped $100M USD (and last week we had 4!), but we did see two deals in the banking sector, two in payments and one in wealthtech. Three were US-based, one was out of India (for an interesting payments angle) and YET ANOTHER challenger bank out of the UK. Methinks the challenger bank space is getting pretty crowded these days.
This week in our Advisor Domain cybersecurity series, we have another guest post – this time from Docupace – where we delve deeper into how smaller financial firms can protect themselves from cyber attacks – an incredibly important topic, I would say.
And finally, this week we finish with the following leading editorial coverage in these original posts from the DWN editorial team for our 12/9/20 newsletter:
- Do You Know Who Left the VOO? A mystery $7B sale out of Vanguard’s S&P 500 ETF has markets buzzing on who made the sale;
- Is Fintech’s Future Investing with 13 Year Olds? You may laugh, but in fact this piece outlines exactly how that has happened and who is behind it;
- SEC’s FinHub – Stand Alone, or Stand Next To? Has the SEC added more bureaucracy or more assistance for the fintech sector with this division – this remains to be seen.
Check out our homepage for other great content, read up and GET YOUR SMART ON about the future of digital wealth!!

Our content creation and amplification platform includes insightful industry news & market commentary, meaningful partner content and executive profiles you won’t find elsewhere.
We’re thrilled to be partnering on our launch with leading advisor technology, TAMP & investment management firm Orion and innovative digital investment bank Entoro Capital. We’ll be featuring weekly insights from Orion CEO Eric Clarke, Entoro Capital CEO Jim Row and Entoro Wealth CIO Bill Taylor that you won’t want to miss, along with important industry news from our partners. Look for more industry insider insights to come as we bring on more partners in the near future.
Special thanks to our Chief Technology Officer Michael Fabing, my partner (and husband) Bill Taylor & our Editorial Consultant Garrett Baldwin on their efforts to roll out this new enterprise. Also, a huge thank you to Kelly Waltrich, CMO of Orion and her team and Tanya Copelyn, marketing lead at Entoro.
Our editorial coverage takes a new view toward the fintech revolution as it has evolved and matured, featuring industry news, thought leadership, and the latest industry press.
Digital Wealth News ™ was Created with the Following Key Parameters:
- Daily Editorial & Weekly Newsletter pushing stories to Website – – and social media channels
- Weekly Newsletter emailed to proprietary database of RIAs, wealth managers, VCs, hedge funds, fintech professionals and organic sign-ups –plus- select names from Fintrx, Crunchbase and other key databases
- Light but authoritative editorial feel – non-technical – but informative. Digestible business read for those interested in, affected by, or involved in the new digital wealth economy;
Coverage of Digital Wealth Topics Including the Following Categories:
- Digital Currencies & The New Token Economy
- Security Tokens
- Trading Technologies
- Digital Investing Platforms
- WealthTech & Robo-advisors
- Fintech At Large
- Legal & Legislative Issues & More
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