The Grail with Keith Gregg (3/3/21)


By Keith Gregg, Founder/CEO, Chalice Network

We’ve all heard the expression, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Well, the same holds true for your business; it takes time and effort for your business to evolve and gain prominence. And while we wish it could happen at the snap of our fingers, it’s a process that occurs over time. But wait… membership in Chalice Network is here to accelerate that process! We are purpose-built to help small and midsize business owners quickly and cost-effectively digitally transform and evolve their businesses. Bottom line: We empower our members with access to tools, technology and resources to digitally transform their business and build Rome faster!

Evolving your business means digitally transforming it, which is no small task. This has traditionally been a huge barrier for business owners, until Chalice membership came along. Now Chalice members can access the resources they need to transform their businesses – and all at savings that far outweigh the cost of membership!

What’s important is that you have faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

­-Steve Jobs

Over the next few articles, we’ll be discussing all the ways that Chalice helps you digitally transform and evolve your business without breaking the bank. So today, let’s focus on your most important asset, your people — because, at the end of the day, the success of your efforts rest in your team’s willingness to embrace change. And granted COVID-19 has opened everyone’s eyes to the need for all of us to be more tech-savvy, the fact remains that in order to attract the best people, those who embrace technology and change, you have to provide them with the best in benefits, tools and resources.  

So let’s dive into the many ways a Chalice membership can help you better take care of your people while cost-effectively helping you transform and evolve your business:

  • Affordable Group Health Insurance – In light of everything that’s happened in the past year, there’s nothing more important than the health and well-being of your people. Many Small and Midsize business owners find it costly to get the best plans for their employees. That’s why Chalice gives you access to top-notch, Fortune 500-type group medical insurance and benefits at an exclusive Chalice price – helping you save big time!
  • Ongoing Professional Education – All employers want to see their employees thrive in the workplace and excel at what they do. A great way to set your employees up for success is to provide them with opportunities for ongoing education and training. Our members can gain access to a full array of professional development opportunities that can help them expand their skill set – from the Society of Financial Services Professionals to the Chalice FinTech Institute – it’s big-time knowledge and growth opportunities!
  • Everyday/Every Way Cost Savings – The world we live in can be a costly one and seems to be constantly rising. Your employees will appreciate everything you can provide them to help them keep costs down, and Chalice excels at doing just that. A Chalice membership gives you and your employees access to BenefitHub, Proof Loyalty and Chalice Cares RX, which provide discounts on everything from wine to phones to prescriptions. The cost savings alone outweigh the cost of membership – prove it to yourself and visit our membership savings calculator.

Evolving your business through digital transformation doesn’t happen overnight. Rome… Darwin… we all know that evolution is a process that takes time. But shifting that transformation into high gear starts with taking care of your people, and that starts with Chalice membership. Provide them with the best, so they can flourish in and out of the workplace — Chalice is here to help make that possible, all while saving you money. Our goal is to help you digitally transform and evolve your business, and in the coming weeks, we will cover the many other ways a Chalice membership can help.  

We welcome you to join the 56,000 SMBs brethren in the Chalice Network.