Fintech Luminaries – Meet Eugene Kim of MNFT


Digital Wealth News is pleased to bring you our “Fintech Luminaries” series – featuring thought leaders within the digital wealth ecosystems.  For our latest feature, we’d like you to meet Eugene Kim of MNFT, a NFT marketplace solution for creators, brands and agencies that allows them to create and operate their own NFT exchange.

NAME: Eugene Kim
TITLE: Co-founder

What do you believe the next major innovation in financial technology will be and why?

I think we’re already seeing this with NFTs (non-fungible tokens). While its current application is heavily focused on digital art and collectibles, NFTs’ unique features of provenance, immutability and ease of transaction, make it an interesting technology that can be applied in financial technology more as a utility, including an expanded use case of what can be a collateralizable asset in DeFi lending.

How do you feel consumers (or if more relevant for your firm – businesses) are adapting to the facet of fintech that your company operates within?

We’re currently seeing a wide range of businesses (e.g. sports, entertainment, music, universities, tech, media, CPG) dipping their toes into the NFT world to test its waters. So far, these campaigns are generally experimental and uninteresting, but I think we’ll start to see more sophisticated and useful NFT applications in the near future that focuses more on community, gamification and the utility of NFTs.

What has been the biggest success in your firm to date?

We launched NFT4GOOD–the first charity NFT platform. Back in May of 2021, during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, we launched our first campaign and raised over $80,000 for charities active in the #StopAsianHate and #HateIsAVirus causes.

Eugene Kim is a co-founder of MNFT, an NFT platform and marketplace for creators, brands and agencies. Eugene formerly serves as General Counsel for WEBTOON Entertainment–the world’s largest webcomic publisher/platform.