Rethink. Financial Advice Podcast: The Secret to Financial Advisors & CPA Collaboration


FAs have been trying to break into the CPA trusted advisors space for years to minimal success. Yet Paul Saganey jumped into the space before it was mainstream and pioneered the CPA partnership model that has significantly contributed to his firm’s growth. Paul’s firm Integrated Partners is one of the fastest organic growth RIAs in the USA. Learn what Paul and his team are doing to achieve this growth and how they have mastered the FA/CPA partnership for collaborative advice and serving HNW clients.

Adam & Derek discuss:

  • Why your clients’ timeline is more important than your own
  • How to use your “VCR” for growth
  • The importance of having a 25 year plan
  • How to change your approach to succession planning
  • How to form relationships with CPAs to double your practice without doubling your client count
  • How building a financial services dream team is a lot like Dungeons & Dragons!