Rethink. Financial Advice Podcast: The Future of Agency Featuring Mark Pfaff


Derek N.H. Notman, CFP® & H. Adam Holt, CFP®, ChFC® asked industry legend Mark Pfaff how & what Agency can do to thrive in the future. Mark Pfaff started as an agent at New York Life Insurance Company, worked really hard, and ultimately climbed the ranks to become Executive Vice President in charge of Agency.

If there ever was someone who could give us an idea of where the industry has been, where it’s going, and how to help both consumers and advisors thrive, Mark Pfaff is definitely on the short list.

Mark, Adam, and Derek chat about:

  • The insatiable marketplace for the work & products financial advisors provide – need for planning is greater than it’s ever been
  • 3 Things Advisors, Companies, and both together don’t see comingWhere are advisors in their career and how to they adjust/pivot given the changing world we’re in?
  • How and where do advisors upgrade their skills?
  • Companies – how do you bring in, comp, and train new advisors in the numbers needed to have a future generation of advisors?
  • How does a company navigate the best tools for their field force?
  • Needs to be better synergy between HO and field to find the best tools to empower advisors
  • And lots more!