Publisher Notes For 5/17/23


Greetings from Digital Wealth News™

Friends, what comprises a “win”?  If you’re the NBA, it’s pretty straightforward.  If you’re the Fed or the Treasury Department, well, not so much.  Check out “Inflation vs. Basketball: A Different Definition of Progress to learn what “WINNING” looks like in sports vs finance. READ UP! | Cindy Taylor, Publisher

Inflation vs. Basketball: A Different Definition of Progress
What if Janet Yellen & J. Powell ran an NBA basketball team?  Would fans be as enthralled as investors with their recent records of “wins”?

The Week in Digital Wealth (5/17/23)
In this week’s column on digital wealth the world over, we cover news from FCurve Finance, the IMF, State Street & Broadridge, amongst others

Advisor Tech Talk (5/17/23)
This week in Advisor Tech Talk, we dive into the latest wealthtech industry news from Vestwell, TIFIN Wealth & Smart, plus more

Decentralized Diaries For The Week of 5/17/23
Bitcoin Remains Bearish at $27k, MetaMask Fully Integrated with PayPal in US, Franklin Templeton Launched Blockchain Fund II, etc.

Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Fintech (5/17/23)
This week, our top 5 VC deals in digital wealth came to us from 8fig, Funderbeam, Petal, ThreatFabric & Blockworks

Blockchain Education for Everyone (BEE)

Digital Wealth News is pleased to be partnering with the University of Wyoming’s Center for Blockchain & Digital Innovation & American Crypto Academy to launch a new blockchain education series. Nicknamed ‘BEE”, short for “Blockchain for Everyone,” the program is designed for America’s high school & community college students.  The first in the interview series with the stakeholders involved is with Professor Steve Lupien, the visionary behind this paradigm-shifting education initiative.

Thought Leadership

BACK OFFICE HEROES: Why Firms Should Prioritize Compliance
A damaged reputation leads clients to withdraw funds and scares away investors, according to Michael Pinsker of Docupace

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: Web3 Starter Tips for for Businesses
If you’ve been following the growth of web3 & are thinking that it could be a good fit for your business, here are some guidelines to launch Illuminations: Spring Cleaning Your Wealth Tech
Technology used to last 20-25 years, but today, with so many apps and frameworks, it’s important to evaluate your technology every 5-10 years

MARTECH MINUTES: Low on Content? Try Out Guest Blogging
Consistently creating high-quality content can often become difficult when it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do so

The Taylor Market Report (5/16/23)
Oh, the debt ceiling talks? It’s like going to Vegas and playing roulette. Black or red, odd or even. U.S defaults…markets sell off. Debt ceiling agreement…markets rally

Curated Industry Content

Industry Briefs, etc.

Practice Management

Fintech Quote of the Week

“So what does the Forever Labor Shortage mean for workers in the years ahead? The bottom line is there will be an all-out competition for their services.” – Kevin Coop, CEO | DailyPay

Check out our homepage for other great content, or follow us at LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook!

Read up and GET YOUR SMART ON about the future of digital wealth!!

Wishing you and yours a great week!!!


Our content creation and amplification platform includes insightful industry news & market commentary, meaningful partner content and executive profiles you won’t find elsewhere.

Special thanks to our Chief Technology Officer Michael Fabing and my partner (and husband) Bill Taylor on their efforts to keep this powerful media engine running smoothly.

Our editorial coverage takes a new view toward the fintech revolution as it has evolved and matured, featuring industry news, thought leadership, and the latest industry press.

Digital Wealth News ™ was Created with the Following Key Parameters:

  • Daily Editorial & Weekly Newsletter pushing stories to Website – – and social media channels – including LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
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  • Light but authoritative editorial feel – non-technical – but informative. Digestible business read for those interested in, affected by, or involved in the new digital wealth economy;

Coverage of Digital Wealth Topics Including the Following Categories:

  • Digital Currencies & The New Token Economy
  • Security Tokens, NFTs & the Metaverse
  • Trading Technologies
  • Digital Investing Platforms
  • WealthTech & Robo-advisors
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  • Fintech At Large & More

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