Recent Market Disruption Escalates Interest in AI-Driven Asset Management

With the ongoing surge of self-directed online trading expected to further fuel market volatility, wealth management firms and technology entrepreneurs alike are seeking asset management solutions that can supersede or sidestep human emotions and bias to create better outcomes.

Coinbase Democratizing Financial Markets

COINBASE IS GOING PUBLIC. Yes, the largest (by trading volume) cryptocurrency exchange in the U.S. will be offering shares of its stock to the public this week (4/14). But beyond the basic headline, this offering is EVEN BIGGER when you drill down.

Insurtech Played Catch-Up During Covid-19 – It’s A Digital World Now, Says Ensight

Today, every financial service experience out there, whether it’s financial planning software like eMoney or MoneyGuidePro, or the technology in our 401(k) account, all the way to our investment accounts is consumer-centric and driven by a digital experience. The last bastion is in what we would call complex insurance products.

A REAL Bitcoin City, Or Just a Crypto Wannabe City?

There seems to be a race on to see which city is the real "Crypto City", which of course means that city would be the coolest and most "cryptonized." Miami and its Mayor, Francis X. Suarez, kicked things off a while back when the city launched "MiamiCoin" and the mayor offered to take his salary in Bitcoin. Not to be outdone, New York City mayor-elect Eric Adams endorsed the NYCCoin (New York City Coin), offered to take his first three paychecks in Bitcoin AND declared “NYC is going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry."

Inflation vs. Basketball: A Different Definition of Progress

Winning! Cheers and congratulations seem to be in order for the Fed's handing of getting inflation to moderate. With the Fed raising interest rates, inflation...

2024 Predictions: Some A 100% ‘Lock,’ Some Unique & ‘Interesting’

Ah, new year predictions. They come along the first of any new year just like ads for weight loss drugs and health club memberships....

Did Softbank Cause The Market Top?

Talk about letting a bull run loose in the proverbial china shop. It certainly appears...

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?

This is it? The end of 2023 with two months to go? Are financial markets done for the year? If so, now what? It's...

Investors Need To Be BEAR AWARE

After 40 years, interest rates are now rising to both quash inflation AND get rates back to "normal," whatever that rate is. Let's call this a "Black Bear market."

Recession, Elections, Inflation and………What’s Next?

Well, it's happened. Or, is happening. Global economies have put the Covid19 pandemic in the rear view mirror (oh, except China) with a huge sigh...