DWN Op-Ed:  PE RegTech – From SEC Rules to Crypto, Urgency of Digital Solutions...

While the “Rule of Three” isn’t enshrined in any regulatory code or compliance protocol, it is a fitting construct for discussions of regtech in the private equity space today. Without question, the private equity space comes with a highly dynamic regulatory and legal environment, and this drives the kinds of technology solutions needed to address a constantly changing ecosystem.

DWN Op-Ed: WealthTech’s Three Marketing Mountains (And How to Climb Them)

By Kelly Waltrich It came to me abruptly, while I was recording a podcast about what I’ve learned from working with so many wealthtech and...

DWN Op-Ed: Inflation? Shortages? Pandemic? Financial Markets? Maybe Psychedelics Could Help

Unlocking the power of psychedelics might very well help "see through" all the noise in the financial markets. Or, at least, recognize the fact that you should never (EVER) pay attention to Federal Reserve economic forecasts. So if the past year has been stressful it might make sense to calm yourself before 2022 rings in.

OpEd: Democratized Markets Still Need Ethics, Right?

While regulators, lawyers, politicians and investors begin to sort out exactly what happened in this debacle, one thing is abundantly clear. Some people made a LOT of money with the recent GameStop trade and a lot of people LOST a lot of money

DWN Op-Ed: Biden’s War on Digital Assets: Part One – The Battle for Your...

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a war going on. However, this war is not in the Ukraine. Nor is it against Russians. Rather, these battles are being fought right here on US soil, with regulatory bullets, against decentralized finance and digital assets.

OpEd: The Renewal of PPP Is a Shot in the Arm for Small Business...

The passage of the proposed Economic Stimulus bill by Congress is a metaphorical shot in the arm for small business owners who have suffered disproportionately during the COVID pandemic. It includes the renewal of the Paycheck Protection Program lending, which gave a lifeline to millions of small businesses nationwide until the program expired on Aug. 8.

“The Gray Swan” Vol. 6 A Very, VERY Dark Gray Swan Event?

“Gray swan is a term used to describe a potentially very significant event that is considered unlikely to happen but still possible....

DWN Op-Ed: Should Global Central Banks Diversify Reserve Holdings?

Old (ancient) habits are extremely hard to break but sometimes things change and you either adapt or risk becoming irrelevant. That may very well be the situation global central bankers are facing with regard to their country's reserve holdings. Since a cornerstone of every central bank's holdings is gold, it just might be time to rethink that core holding.

Fear of Crypto Regulations Overblown? A Point-Counter Point

While government regulators ponder (that's being kind) about how to formally regulate crypto, it seems almost everyone has an opinion on whether it will be "doom" or "gloom" for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Here is a glimpse of the topic from a great "point-counter point" article by two extremely knowledgeable industry leaders on their thoughts.

The Gray Swan Takes Flight

“Gray swan is a term used to describe a potentially very significant event that is considered unlikely to happen...