Rethink. Financial Advice Podcast: Scaling Financial Advice 3.0 featuring Michael Lecours


Are financial advisors unknowingly committing malpractice? How is our industry & profession changing? What can we learn from the medical field that will help us scale advice in a meaningful way? Join us as we chat with special guest Michael Lecours, a fellow advisor and co-founder of fpPathfinder to learn about what we’re calling Financial Advice 3.0.

In this episode Mike, Adam and Derek chat about:

  • Bedside Manner and Malpractice, Doctors leaving the clamp in the body.
  • Leveraging Processes despite our egos and familiarity with the job trying to get in the way
  • Scale – delegation requires process when the expert is busy
  • Showing our value in a competitive market/transparent at scale
  • Advisor 3.0-… An Aspirational shift
  • Financial Services 1.0. Agents and Reps: Solution sales with needs analysis
  • Financial Planning 2.0. Product led Financial Planners (sales enablement) and Advisers
  • Preventative Advice 3.0. Coaches and Collaboration, behavior, mindset, retainer, proactive
  • The shift to multiple review meetings to spread out the focus over time