Inflation vs. Actual Cost. Revealing.

You've heard this before ... "If inflation is moderating why do I always seem to have less money?" Well, it's tricky and can be...

Confusing & Complicated Markets. Thank Goodness for Vodka.

Not during the day. Talking about the vodka. But, figuring out confusing, complicated financial markets and global events is an all day job. Then when...

OpEd: Financial Literacy in America – We Must Act Now

Financial literacy, which benefits from financial education, directly correlates to making sound financial decisions that help one manage and grow financial assets confidently.

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do?

This is it? The end of 2023 with two months to go? Are financial markets done for the year? If so, now what? It's...

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Or FOBI (Fear of Being In)

Well, here we are again. Financial markets have moved up sharply. Bitcoin and ethereum, too. Now what? The higher markets go, FOMO kicks in. You...

2023: Let’s Keep The New Year In Perspective

First, HAPPY 2023 to all. Or, here we go again. Keeping things in perspective, there have been 2,023 new years going way back to zero...

Summer’s Over. Now, The Sprint to Year End.

Been away? Took some time off? Well it's just about time to get back to the "real world." Which, by the way, is certainly...

MMM……..Mish Mash & More

You have arrived at your destination. So where is that exactly? In this case it's the end of the third quarter. Only a few...

Is the “New Normal” the “Old Normal?”

"Normals" are getting confusing. New normal, old normal 'expected' normal. Actually, what is "normal?" If you know the answer to that you qualify to be...

2024 Predictions: Some A 100% ‘Lock,’ Some Unique & ‘Interesting’

Ah, new year predictions. They come along the first of any new year just like ads for weight loss drugs and health club memberships....