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Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (9/13/22)
Anybody remember THE BLUES BROTHERS out there? One of my favorite movies EVER (I love the blues,...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (8/30/22)
Here we go - heading into Labor Day - and the deals in fintech are waning somewhat. ...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (8/23/22)
Last week we took a brief summer break from publishing this column. We're back with several deals...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (8/10/22)
This will be a short but sweet fintech funding VC overview today, as we've had a lot...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (8/5/22)
It's summer. And to that end, this past week saw a freefall of mega-funding rounds. ...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (7/27/22)
And the money is flowing again. Just like that, the VC spigot in digital wealth is...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (7/19/22)
I hate to use an old cliche' but WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES! Last week...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (7/12/22)
Getting an early jump this week on the Top 5 VC deals of the week and at...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (7/5/22)
Happy 4th of July Week to our US friends. Deals were somewhat curtailed the past...
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (6/28/22)
Hello VC Friends! WELL......this was an interesting week. So much going on politically and within...