Greetings from Digital Wealth News™ !
We’re back this week with an action-packed roster of content for you including a deeper look at El Salvador’s much touted Bitcoin City, a new Fintech Luminaries interview with Chad Parks of Ubiquity Retirement + Savings and yet another stratospheric $500M+ VC deal in fintech. Read up!
Cindy Taylor, Publisher
New thought leadership content this week…
- Wealthtech Insider: Finding the Dollars-and-Cents Impact of Modern Behavioral Coaching
The past year has shown investors the value of working with a seasoned financial professional to get through difficult times (in our Wealthtech Insider column from Orion Advisor Services) - Fintech Corner: Technology Can Bring An Enterprise Firm Together When Most Are Working Apart
For financial advisory firms to get their technology up-to-date at an institutional level will require some form of data Rosetta stone (in our Fintech Corner column from Practifi) - REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: When In Doubt, Zoom Out
Though climate change is a legitimate problem, we remain confident in crypto’s net positive impact on global environments (in our REAL CLEAR CRYPTO column from Sarson Funds) - TheALTinvestor: How Technology Is Opening Alternatives To Everyone
There are some companies on the fintech frontier that are working to help investors access high end real estate, and one of the top examples is CalTier
REFINITIV, AN LSEG BUSINESS: Driving Client Centricity Through Wealth Advisory Productivity
One way we are thinking about streamlining the advisor workflow and improving the client experience is through Next Best Action (NBA)
Bill Taylor of Entoro Investments updates us on the markets this past week and movement in gold, S&P 500, BTC & ETH in The Taylor Report (11/30/21)
We finish out the week with more great original content from the DWN editorial team and contributors, including the following posts…
A REAL Bitcoin City, Or Just a Crypto Wannabe City?
There seems to be a race on to see which city is the real “Crypto City”, which means that city would be the coolest and most “cryptonized”
The Week in Digital Wealth (12/1/21)
Jack Dorsey is shaking things up at Twitter. BNPL firms are enjoying the spotlight, and Mark Cuban shares how he sees crypto maturing
Advisor Tech Talk (12/1/21)
RIAs are making an expansion push in the final stretch of the year. And an opportunity to take a masterclass has emerged
Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (12/1/21)
This week we’re back with a fresh round of new Top 5 VC deals, with every deal coming in above $200M and 3 in the crypto sector
Fintech Luminaries – Meet Chad Parks of Ubiquity Retirement + Savings
For our latest FINTECH LUMINARIES feature, we’d like you to meet Chad Parks of Ubiquity Retirement + Savings
DWealth Education Webinars (CE-Credit Approved)
- Preparing Financial Advisory Firms for the Great Generational Wealth Transfer, sponsored by Practifi
- Session #6: Mitigating Cryptocurrency Investing Risks, sponsord by Sarson Funds
- Session #5 – How to Safely Invest in Digital Assets, sponsored by Sarson Funds
- Session #4 – Advanced Cryptocurrency Investment Strategie, sponsored by Sarson Funds
- Session #3: Investing in Cryptocurrency 101, sponsored by Sarson Funds
- Sesion #2: Real World Applications of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, sponsored by Sarson Funds
- Session #1: Intro to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, sponsored by Sarson Funds
Curated Industry Content
- Hear About the Latest Fintech Trends With The Fuse Show
- How to Improve Operational Efficiency with Practifi’s Pre-Built Workflows
- Crypto-Curious? A Guide to Digital Asset Exposure
Check out our homepage for other great content, read up and GET YOUR SMART ON about the future of digital wealth!!
Wishing you and yours a great week!!!

Our content creation and amplification platform includes insightful industry news & market commentary, meaningful partner content and executive profiles you won’t find elsewhere.
Special thanks to our Chief Technology Officer Michael Fabing and my partner (and husband) Bill Taylor on their efforts to roll out this new enterprise. I also want to thank our friend and partner Dara Albright, one of the most important fintech thought leaders in the world, who has recently joined Digital Wealth News as a partner and host of our ground-breaking podcast series Dwealth Muse and will be spearheading our new joint venture education initiative – DWealth Education.
Our editorial coverage takes a new view toward the fintech revolution as it has evolved and matured, featuring industry news, thought leadership, and the latest industry press.
Digital Wealth News ™ was Created with the Following Key Parameters:
- Daily Editorial & Weekly Newsletter pushing stories to Website – – and social media channels
- Weekly Newsletter emailed to proprietary database of RIAs, wealth managers, VCs, hedge funds, fintech professionals and organic sign-ups –plus- select names from Fintrx, Crunchbase and other key databases
- Light but authoritative editorial feel – non-technical – but informative. Digestible business read for those interested in, affected by, or involved in the new digital wealth economy;
Coverage of Digital Wealth Topics Including the Following Categories:
- Digital Currencies & The New Token Economy
- Security Tokens
- Trading Technologies
- Digital Investing Platforms
- WealthTech & Robo-advisors
- Fintech At Large
- Legal & Legislative Issues & More
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