The Promise and Limitations of Wealth Management Automation

The potential of automation and artificial intelligence-enabled (AI) programs and tools were thought to ensure a digital revolution across wealth management. 

NYDIG – An Extraordinary $1B Digital Asset Spin Off By Stone Ridge Asset Management

In 2017, many of the founders and employees of the venerable Stone Ridge Asset Management were investing heavily in bitcoin, so much so that it necessitated that the firm's auditors needed to explore the acquisitions more closely

Advisor Tech Talk (8/31/21)

Millennials are poised to flock to robo advisors, wealth management platforms are becoming increasingly automated and M&A is afoot in the wealthtech space. 

Advisor Tech Talk (8/23/22)

By Christopher Robbins I splurged recently. Wait a minute, let’s start over. I splurge all the time. I love going to record stores...

Advisor Tech Talk: 2/22/22

As advisors awaken to the quickly evolving wealthtech universe, they’re taking a long, hard look at their own firms and industry—and they don’t always like what they see.

Atria’s Tech Tools Drive Recruiting Growth for Credit Union-Focused Subsidiary

Seeing as many as a dozen potential and current clients on a given day, financial advisors working within...

Advisor Group’s MyCMO Gives New Edge to Super-OSJs in Recruiting Wars

When Susan Theder of Advisor Group first launched MyCMO in 2017, it was the culmination of a clear vision: Creating a user friendly, integrated platform of digital marketing communications tools for independent financial advisors to adopt for the purposes of winning new clients while engaging with existing relationships.

Berkshire Global Advisors FinTech Practice Sees WealthTech M&A Resuming

The fintech sector remains fragmented, signaling a significant opportunity for mergers and acquisitions to drive efficiency and growth. Even as increased interest rates push...

MARKET DISRUPTION: The “Instividual,” Individual and The Institutional

On trading desks of Olde, most institutional traders nicknamed agency-based retail orders as “the red headed step-child.” One may dislike the saying, but nonetheless that’s what retail flow was coined back in the day.

Advisor Group Continues Digital Transformation Momentum with New Senior Hires

After announcing significant investments in technology as part of a broader digital transformation strategy late last year, Advisor Group is following up with a wave of senior management team hires.