Greetings from Digital Wealth News™ !
Welcome to our latest edition of Digital Wealth News!
Last week was moving week for the Taylor household, and this week we are publishing from our new home base in Bozeman, MT. Without skipping a beat, and even despite the 2,000 mile road trip from Atlanta to our new headquarters in the West, we have one of the best newsletters we’ve produced to date. Check it out!
- In this week’s column for Orion’s Wealthtech Insider series, Orion has announced that users of the firm’s wealth management platform will now have access to cash management and lending solutions for their clients thanks to a partnership with New York-based Focus Financial Partners;
- In “The Grail”, Keith Gregg of Chalice Network discusses why taking care of your people is only one of the many challenges SMBs face;
- Bill Taylor of Entoro Wealth updates us on the markets this past week and movement in gold (which he is SO over), S&P 500, BTC & ETH in The Taylor Report (2/2/21).
We also have a new Fintech Luminaries post with Ran Harpaz of Hippo (one of my personal favorite fintechs to watch), who shares insights on his role overseeing a digital insurance firm and discusses the future of Consumer Data Portability.
We finish out the week with more great original content from the DWN editorial team and outside contributors this week, too, including the following posts:
- How an Investment Group on Reddit Can Return Democracy to Stock Markets
Fintech thought leader Dara Albright takes on the topic of the recent Reddit-induced short squeeze, and offers two potential fixes for the market debacle
- Fake News? From the Treasury?
In this informative and thought-provoking op-ed, Bill Taylor dissects recent statements from the new head of Treasury around cryptocurrencies - 2020’s Rise Of Digital Retail Presaged The January Frenzy
A great read on the 2020 lead up to the January digital retail investing frenzy and how it all got started
- Market Democratization or A Fool’s Errand?
A different take on the current “market democratization” movement and a nostalgic look back at the similarities to the Occupy Wall Street initiative
- Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in the Digital Wealth Sector (2.3.21)
Aside from the Robinhood story, fintech VC continued to surge, with an $800M USD deal signed this past week and more
Check out our homepage for other great content, read up and GET YOUR SMART ON about the future of digital wealth!!
Wishing you and yours a great week!!!

Our content creation and amplification platform includes insightful industry news & market commentary, meaningful partner content and executive profiles you won’t find elsewhere.
We’re thrilled to be partnering on our launch with leading advisor technology, TAMP & investment management firm Orion and Chalice Financial Network. We’ll be featuring weekly insights from the Orion executive C-Suite team, Keith Gregg of Chalice Network and Bill Taylor of Entoro Wealth, along with additional important industry news from our partners. Look for more industry insider insights to come as we bring on more partners in the near future.
Special thanks to our Chief Technology Officer Michael Fabing and my partner (and husband) Bill Taylor on their efforts to roll out this new enterprise. Also, a huge thank you to Kelly Waltrich, CMO of Orion and her team and Keith Gregg, CEO of Chalice Network and his team for their support of our new endeavor!
Our editorial coverage takes a new view toward the fintech revolution as it has evolved and matured, featuring industry news, thought leadership, and the latest industry press.
Digital Wealth News ™ was Created with the Following Key Parameters:
- Daily Editorial & Weekly Newsletter pushing stories to Website – – and social media channels
- Weekly Newsletter emailed to proprietary database of RIAs, wealth managers, VCs, hedge funds, fintech professionals and organic sign-ups –plus- select names from Fintrx, Crunchbase and other key databases
- Light but authoritative editorial feel – non-technical – but informative. Digestible business read for those interested in, affected by, or involved in the new digital wealth economy;
Coverage of Digital Wealth Topics Including the Following Categories:
- Digital Currencies & The New Token Economy
- Security Tokens
- Trading Technologies
- Digital Investing Platforms
- WealthTech & Robo-advisors
- Fintech At Large
- Legal & Legislative Issues & More
Sign up for our free newsletter, reach out to me on Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook and thanks for stopping by!!