Publisher Notes For 4/4/23

Friends, we hope you & yours enjoy a beautiful Easter holiday & if you're celebrating Passover, Happy Pesach!!  In the meantime, it's been a hugely impactful week for America with so many financial implications. READ UP!

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: Bitcoin & The ESG Angle

It seems that institutions are playing both sides. On one hand, they are buying Bitcoin at unprecedented rates. On the other, they want to continue attracting investors by fulfilling ESG mandates

WEALTHTECH INSIDER: Five Key Takeaways For the Future of Financial Advice

The wealth management and financial advice industries will continue to grow, according to Chip Roame, founder and managing partner at Tiburon Strategic Advisors, but in the decades to come it might look very different.

MARTECH MINUTES: Digital Marketing Basics Part 2 – Using Keywords to Amplify Your Content

Whether you manage your company’s blog, or simply write a few blurbs for your website - paying attention to keywords is critical if you want to boost your SEO.

The Taylor Market Report (3/28/23)

Markets are experiencing the calm (and complacency) before the storm. Get ready. The academics won't kill bitcoin. It's driving them crazy, but it's the ultimate "too big to fail."

Publisher Notes For 3/29/23

Friends, we have a new zoomcast series launching in April - "Fintech & Philosphy"! Watch for it here & on LinkedIn!  In the meantime, SO MUCH NEWS and new thought leadership for you this week!  READ UP!

MARTECH MINUTES: Digital Marketing Basics Part 1 – Database Management

A common problem that marketing and advisor teams experience is how to create and maintain a hygienic database. Your CRM should play a part in ensuring your data is clean and up to date for marketing purposes.

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: A Slow Walk Away From Banking

It seems that banking and cryptocurrency are top of mind for investors and US policy makers at the moment. We are seeing an about-face from the Federal Reserve when it comes to their treatment of crypto assets.

BACK OFFICE HEROES: Wealth Management Operational Metrics that Matter

In the financial services industry, numbers are everything. Successful firms and RIAs are always working to achieve operational excellence. But how do you know when you’ve reached it?

The Taylor Market Report (3/21/23)

The same folks that started the fire (inflation, zero interest rates, lax oversight, etc.) are now having us believe they are the ones to put out the fire?? Really?