Publisher Notes For 1/25/22


Greetings from Digital Wealth News™ !

Greetings Fintech Friends! This week we launch a new monthly roundtable, learn about metaverse commerce, coin a new term…”Tonga’d”, and see a massive decline in venture dollars in digital wealth in our Top 5 VC Deals series plus more! Read up!
Cindy Taylor, Publisher

New thought leadership content this week… Illuminations: Disrupt with Compassion!
Technology should be implemented for the sake of people, the industry and to make our world a better place today and for future generations

Wealthtech Insider: How Big RIAs Are Using Technology To Scale Smart
If wealth management firms want to scale up through technology, they should take note of their peers who are already succeeding

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: Crypto Wallets – The Custodial Vessel For All Digital Assets
In crypto, assets are not held in brokerage or bank accounts, but rather wallets, the custodial vessel for digital assets of all kinds

Fintech Corner: Why Merely Adopting New Technology To Grow Your Firm Isn’t Enough
Wealth management firms are doing more harm than good when they take a scattershot approach to growth through implementing technology

Bill Taylor of Entoro Investments updates us on the markets this past week and movement in BTC, ETH, gold and the S&P500 in The Taylor Report (1/25/22)

We finish out the week with more great original content from the DWN editorial team and contributors, including the following posts…

EPISODE 46: The Colossal Economic Impact of Metaverse Commerce
DWealthMuse host, Dara Albright & guest Donnie Dinch, CEO of Bitski, which powers the commerce layer of the metaverse via NFTs, discuss “metaverse commerce’

Is 2022 a “Tonga Year”?
A “Tonga Year” is one that seems to have caught everyone by surprise and disrupted (or let’s be real, blew up) some huge hopes and dreams

The Week in Digital Wealth (1/26/22)
Fintech stocks and bitcoin are far from their peaks as investors flee risk for now, and one banking fintech could be ready to go public

Advisor Tech Talk (1/26/22)
In the midst of a stock market correction, the advisor community is hiring more talent, revamping products, raising capital and more

Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (1/26/22)
This week the VC numbers ratcheted down QUITE a bit in the fintech sector, coinciding with dramatic US stock market declines

DWN Round Table: Tech Enabled Recruitment Trends Two Years into the Pandemic
Digital Wealth News asked four executives from a diverse group of wealth management firms to discuss how the pandemic impacted recruitment

Curated Industry Content

DWealth Education Webinars (CE-Credit Approved)

Check out our homepage for other great content, read up and GET YOUR SMART ON about the future of digital wealth!!

Wishing you and yours a great week!!!


Our content creation and amplification platform includes insightful industry news & market commentary, meaningful partner content and executive profiles you won’t find elsewhere.

Special thanks to our Chief Technology Officer Michael Fabing and my partner (and husband) Bill Taylor on their efforts to roll out this new enterprise. I also want to thank our friend and partner Dara Albright, one of the most important fintech thought leaders in the world, who has recently joined Digital Wealth News as a partner and host of our ground-breaking podcast series Dwealth Muse and will be spearheading our new joint venture education initiative – DWealth Education.

Our editorial coverage takes a new view toward the fintech revolution as it has evolved and matured, featuring industry news, thought leadership, and the latest industry press.

Digital Wealth News ™ was Created with the Following Key Parameters:

  • Daily Editorial & Weekly Newsletter pushing stories to Website – – and social media channels
  • Weekly Newsletter emailed to proprietary database of RIAs, wealth managers, VCs, hedge funds, fintech professionals and organic sign-ups –plus- select names from Fintrx, Crunchbase and other key databases
  • Light but authoritative editorial feel – non-technical – but informative. Digestible business read for those interested in, affected by, or involved in the new digital wealth economy;

Coverage of Digital Wealth Topics Including the Following Categories:

  • Digital Currencies & The New Token Economy
  • Security Tokens & NFTs
  • Trading Technologies
  • Digital Investing Platforms
  • WealthTech & Robo-advisors
  • Legal & Legislative Issues
  • Fintech At Large & More

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