Publisher Notes For 6/7/22


Greetings from Digital Wealth News™ !

Friends, this week we delve further into inflation and contemplate the need for automation in wealth management. In my book, these two seemingly disparate topics are inextricably connected, and as we watch markets further unravel, you should be well-versed in both and ahead of the curve. READ UP! | Cindy Taylor, Publisher

Upcoming Webinar

Tackling Market Volatility and Recession-Preparing Portfolios – Thursday, June 23 at 2pm ET – Register Here
Join Clout’s webinar series to explore how investment professionals drive client engagement during market volatility, while recession-preparing portfolios

New thought leadership content this week…

Wealthtech Insider: How Advisors are Influencing Clients to Take Their Financial Advice

The role of an advisor has shifted rapidly in recent years – learn 3 ways to influence clients to take your financial advice

Fintech Corner: Look Before You Leap – How To Drive Profitability With The Right CRM

In the absence of a CRM, businesses fall back on doing business by e-mail, phone & paper, which can cause important information to be lost

REAL CLEAR CRYPTO: Crypto’s Rising Influence Shines at TradFi’s Davos Conclave

This year, as crypto markets reeled from volatility, Davos served as an exhibit of the growth and maturity of the blockchain ecosystem Illuminations: An Automation Center of Excellence Can Simplify the Most Complex Businesses with Technology

Wealth management firms may take a deeper dive into automation by adopting a transformational approach, says Sudhish Sasidharan with

MARKETING ADVICE: Yes, Algorithms Can Teach Financial Firms More About People

Personalization can be key to helping wealth management clients weather volatility-but it’s easier for some than others

Bill Taylor of Entoro Investments updates us on the markets this past week and movement in BTC, ETH, gold and the S&P500 in The Taylor Report (6/7/22). Says Taylor, Listening to ‘experts,’ and telling yourself inflation has peaked, is like believing in the tooth fairy. Unexpected shocks (and there are many) have yet to hit. Just because they haven’t happened doesn’t mean they won’t.”

We finish out the week with more great original content from the DWN editorial team, including the following posts…

How to Fight Inflation. A Basic Primer.
Let’s talk inflation with Bill Taylor. It’s all the RAGE (literally) and, after months of passive interest, inflation has finally become public enemy #1

The Promise and Limitations of Wealth Management Automation
The potential of automation & AI-enabled programs & tools were thought to ensure a digital revolution across wealth management

The Week in Digital Wealth (6/8/22)
Though this week was absent some of the gaudy headlines of massive fundraising hauls and M&A’s, a lot has still happened in wealthtech, payments & digital assets

Advisor Tech Talk (6/8/22)
We cover the week’s latest wealthtech industry news including corporate updates from GeoWealth, Cognicor, Vestwell, Acrisure and more in this week’s column

Top 5 VC Deals of the Week in Digital Wealth (6/8/22)
Our top fintech VC deal this past week came to us from a Michigan-based insurtech with funding from Guggenheim & Abu Dhabi, and a fresh new valuation of $23B

DWealth Muse Podcast: Why Financial Institutions went from Toe Dipping to Diving into Crypto Waters
In this episode revisited, DWealthMuse host, Dara Albright, and guests, Alex Blum & Nate Cox of Two Prime discuss the risk-adjusted returns that have been driving institutions to digital assets


Check out our homepage for other great content, read up and GET YOUR SMART ON about the future of digital wealth!!

Wishing you and yours a great week!!!


Our content creation and amplification platform includes insightful industry news & market commentary, meaningful partner content and executive profiles you won’t find elsewhere.

Special thanks to our Chief Technology Officer Michael Fabing and my partner (and husband) Bill Taylor on their efforts to roll out this new enterprise. I also want to thank our friend and partner Dara Albright, one of the most important fintech thought leaders in the world, who has recently joined Digital Wealth News as a partner and host of our ground-breaking podcast series Dwealth Muse and will be spearheading our new joint venture education initiative – DWealth Education.

Our editorial coverage takes a new view toward the fintech revolution as it has evolved and matured, featuring industry news, thought leadership, and the latest industry press.

Digital Wealth News ™ was Created with the Following Key Parameters:

  • Daily Editorial & Weekly Newsletter pushing stories to Website – – and social media channels – including LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook
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  • Light but authoritative editorial feel – non-technical – but informative. Digestible business read for those interested in, affected by, or involved in the new digital wealth economy;

Coverage of Digital Wealth Topics Including the Following Categories:

  • Digital Currencies & The New Token Economy
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